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Events listing - SSA events

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Upcoming events

    • 2 Sep 2024
    • 5 Sep 2024
    • Samphire, Rottnest Island

    Australasian Applied Statistics Conference 2024

    2-5 September, Rottnest Island, Western Australia

    The Australasian Applied Statistics Conference 2024 (AASC2024) will be held on Rottnest Island at the Samphire Resort on 3-5 September 2024, with pre-conference workshops being held on 2 September in Fremantle.

    The conference will provide you with the opportunity to liaise with fellow statisticians within the agricultural, biological and environmental sciences and keep abreast of the most recent developments in statistics within this area.

    The invited speakers are: Hans-Peter Piepho, Kerrie Mengersen, Lucy Marshall, Roger Payne, Adrian Baddeley and Anna Hayes.

    Key dates

    31 May 2024: Abstract submission closes.

    1 July 2024: Early-bird registration closes.

    • 3 Sep 2024
    • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    • online

    Join Minitab for an illuminating webinar that delves deep into the statistical foundations of machine learning and showcases real-world case studies in predictive analytics. Explore the intricate world of data-driven insights and decision-making excellence through a statistical lens.

    Throughout this session, Minitab will unravel the statistical essence of predictive analytics algorithms, emphasizing their practical applications and significance in the realm of machine learning. Witness how these algorithms leverage statistical principles to transform complex data into actionable predictions, enabling you to anticipate trends and make informed decisions.

    Engage with captivating case studies and demonstrations featuring sample datasets that demonstrate the transformative power of statistical machine learning for example how statistical analysis can be used to predict solar energy output and prevent maintenance in industrial machinery. Gain a firsthand understanding of how statistical techniques drive the predictive capabilities of machine learning algorithms.

    Additionally, we will highlight the seamless integration of statistical methodologies within the predictive analytics workflow, emphasizing the critical role of statistical thinking in maximizing analytical capabilities and unlocking the true potential of data. Register now to redefine research and development through statistical insights and perspectives.

    Presenter: Ming Dong

    Job Title: Team Lead, Solutions Architect, Minitab Pty Ltd

    Ming Dong is one of only a handful of practitioners across the Asia Pacific Region to be a certified trainer for Minitab’s flagship product, Minitab Statistical Software. The training certification process is the culmination of years of statistical training with real-life application of data analysis in the industry.

    Ming’s formal qualifications include an undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering Management, a Masters of Computer Science from the University of New South Wales, and a Masters of Applied Statistics from Macquarie University. Ming has a unique and profound understanding of the application of statistics in the business world.

    In addition, Ming has broad business development experience, developed through his work in senior technical roles for large organisations such as Toshiba, OzEmail and National Computing Systems Singapore. As a university research officer at Macquarie University, he had several papers published in the field of Bioinformatics.

    His extensive business development and industry experience are the reason why Ming has been engaged by some of the world’s largest mining, banking and medical devices companies, to provide consulting services in the application of data analysis.

    • 4 Sep 2024
    • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
    • University of Adelaide, Horace Lamb 422 (via Hub Central) & Online

    DATE: Wednesday 4th September 2024

    TIME: 5:30 – 7:00 pm (Adelaide Time)

    VENUE:  University of Adelaide, Horace Lamb 422 (via Hub Central) & online via Zoom

    REGISTRATION: All attendees (in-person and online) are required to register by Sunday 1 September via this form (form contains Zoom link for online attendees)

    The ‘Young’ Statistician Careers Evening is hosted by the South Australian Branch of the Statistical Society of Australia annually. Professional statisticians from academia, industry and government will provide information on potential employment opportunities, and what it is like to be a statistician across a variety of work settings. For those who attend in person, we will provide refreshments before the talks, and you are very welcome to stay afterwards to network.

    This is a FREE event that is designed for students or recent graduates who are considering a career in statistics. This event is open to members and non-members of the Statistical Society of Australia.


    • Jason Eridani, Australian Bureau of Statistics
    • Kevin Mark, South Australian Research and Development Institute 
    • Jono Tuke, University of Adelaide


    • 5:30pm: Refreshments (including pizza and sushi)
    • 6 to 7pm: Presentations by speakers (including Q & A)
    • 7-7:15pm: Networking

    • 5 Sep 2024
    • 6:00 PM
    • Kingpin Crown Melbourne (Crown Melbourne, 8 Whiteman St, Melbourne, AU 3006) and Belgian Beer Cafe (5 Riverside Qy, Southbank, Melbourne, AU 3006).
    • 5

    SSA Vic & Tas Bowling Social 2024 Event

    When: Thursday 5 September 2024 6:00 PM, AEST
    Where: Kingpin Crown Melbourne (Crown Melbourne, 8 Whiteman St, Melbourne, AU 3006) and Belgian Beer Cafe (5 Riverside Qy, Southbank, Melbourne, AU 3006).
    Registrations close: Tuesday 3 Sep 2024, 7pm AEST

    About the event:

    The branch's annual social event will be ten-pin bowling at Kingpin Crown Melbourne (arrive by 6:15pm), followed by dinner at the Belgian Beer Cafe at 7:45 pm.

    Register for bowling. Dinner is at your own expense. You may also RSVP to be present at bowling but not bowl (and have a drink).

    Feel free to contact the organizers Chris Selman or Rick Tankard for further details.

    Kind regards,

    • 10 Sep 2024
    • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    • Cheryl Praeger Lecture Room, The University of Western Australia

    Announcing the September meeting of the WA Branch of the Statistical Society of Australia. Our guest speakers are Dr Cecilia Xia and Rebecca Herbst of Data Analysis Australia.

    Date: Tuesday, 10 September 2024.

    Time: 6:00PM to 7:00PM (AWST)

    Location: Cheryl Praeger Lecture Room, The University of Western Australia.


    Beyond Traditional Variables: A Statistical Framework for Modeling Complex Travel Behaviors and Preferences in New Zealand

    Recent studies have shown that behavioural variables, such as attitudes, serve as significant predictors of travel mode choices. However, few transport models have effectively incorporated these variables, often relying on fuzzy estimations that limit predictive accuracy. This study employs exploratory factor analysis to identify key latent constructs influencing travel behaviour and uses structural equation modelling to examine the causal relationships of various latent variables and journey experience by different travel modes.

    We analyse data from New Zealand residents across varying transport modes, demographic segments, and regional differences. Key factors affecting travel experience, including safety, value for money, and ease of use, are identified. Results indicate significant regional variances. This research highlights the importance of habit formation in transport decisions and recommends infrastructure enhancements alongside interventions that foster positive travel experiences to promote sustainable mobility. Our findings provide valuable insights for developing tailored transportation strategies responsive to New Zealand's diverse traveller needs.

    About the Speakers

    Dr Cecilia Xia, Data Analysis Australia

    Dr. Jianhong (Cecilia) Xia is an accomplished Geographic Information System (GIS) educator, spatial analyst, and modeller with over 20 years of experience in data analytics.​ Her extensive background includes roles as a transport geographer and transit planner, where she has conducted a diverse range of research in areas such as tourism, public transport development, driving behaviour, cognitive science, and human mobility.

    Cecilia's expertise lies in identifying and implementing appropriate statistical and machine-learning methods to address various analytical challenges. She is adept in spatial analysis and demonstrates exceptional adaptability to support data-driven decision-making processes while delivering outstanding customer service. A prolific contributor to her field, Cecilia has published over 110 peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters. Her dedication to advancing research has garnered approximately $1.5 million in funding from government agencies, industries, and the Australian Research Council since 2005, underscoring her impact on the discipline and commitment to fostering innovation.

    Rebecca Herbst, Data Analysis Australia

    Rebecca Herbst is a Consultant Statistician at Data Analysis Australia. She has previously worked as a medical research scientist where she developed an interest in statistics. Since completing post-graduate degrees in applied statistics and clinical epidemiology, she has worked as a consultant across a variety of areas including transport, education, agriculture and financial services.

    Refreshments and Dinner

    Members and visitors are invited to mingle over wine and cheese from 5:30PM onwards at the venue. Following the meeting all are invited to dine at a nearby restaurant. Visitors are welcome.

    Meeting Directions

    The Cheryl Praeger Lecture Room is located on the ground floor of the Mathematics building at The University of Western Australia. Its entrance is on the northern side of the building. See: UWA Maps, Google Maps.

    Parking is free on the UWA Crawley campus after 5:00PM. A convenient place to park is Car Park 18 accessible from Fairway Entry 1.

    For further information please contact the WA Branch Secretary (
    • 19 Sep 2024
    • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • The Bevery, the University of Sydney
    • 64

    The New South Wales branch of the Statistical Society of Australia warmly invites all undergraduate, postgraduate and early career statisticians and data scientists to attend our annual event for Early Career and Student Statisticians on Thursday 19th September 2024 at 6 pm. The event will take place at The Bevery, the University of Sydney (entrance is through the Courtyard Cafe or the Holme Building, there will be guides on the day).

    This year we have the pleasure of hosting a handful of inspiring early-career speakers and mid-career speakers, working in various industries. The speakers have been invited to share what they’ve learned, what they’ve achieved, what they’ve enjoyed and what surprised them, as well as, perhaps, what they don’t like, what they haven’t learned, and so on. We also have a number of senior industry speakers who have been invited to provide their sage advice, insights and general guidance to those interested in developing a fruitful career in the industry.

    Each speaker will give a 5-minute talk, followed by a networking session. Catering and drinks will be provided at the event. There will be plenty of opportunities for attendees to approach the speakers and each other freely.

    This is a free event for SSA members and we charge $20 for non-members at this event to cover operational costs. Reminder: non-member students can register for a one-year student membership for $20 with SSA NSW here and attend the event for free. 

    Meet our speakers

    Alan Maleki - Senior Quantitative Analyst - Australian Retirement Trust

    Mahrita Harahap - Senior Cloud Solution Architect - Microsoft

    Jenny Yu - Senior Data Analyst - NSW Department of Education 

    Matthew Borg - Biostatistician - Datapharm Australia

    Hafiz Khusyairi - Senior Data Scientist - NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority

    Flynn Hill - Senior Biostatistician - NSW Ministry of Health

    For any questions or concerns please contact

    Please note that all our events are governed by the Code of Conduct. This means that we absolutely do not tolerate unacceptable behaviour, including any form of harassment. This applies to both members and non-members. If you have any concerns, please contact Gordana (

    • 23 Sep 2024
    • 11 Nov 2024
    • Online- 1 hour a week
    • 2
    Registration is closed

    The Social Research Centre and the Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) are very proud to offer statistical training from the International Program in Survey and Data Science (IPSDS), a joint program of the University of Mannheim and the Joint Program in Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland.

    Places are limitedplease register early to take advantage of early bird discounts and secure a place.

    Short Course Description

    Social scientists and survey researchers are confronted with an increasing number of new data sources such as apps and sensors that often result in (para)data structures that are difficult to handle with traditional modeling methods. At the same time, advances in the field of machine learning (ML) have created an array of flexible methods and tools that can be used to tackle a variety of modeling problems. Against this background, this course discusses advanced ML concepts such as cross validation, class imbalance, Boosting and Stacking as well as key approaches for facilitating model tuning and performing feature selection. In this course we also introduce additional machine learning methods including Support Vector Machines, Extra-Trees and LASSO among others. The course aims to illustrate these concepts, methods and approaches from a social science perspective. Furthermore, the course covers techniques for extracting patterns from unstructured data as well as interpreting and presenting results from machine learning algorithms. Code examples will be provided using the statistical programming language R.


    September 24 – November 11, 2024. Weekly meetings at the following times:

    ▪ Week 1: Tuesday, September 24, 8:00-9:00 am AEST

    ▪ Week 2: Tuesday, October 1, 5:00-6:00 pm AEST

    ▪ Week 3: Tuesday, October 8, 5:00-6:00 pm AEDT

    ▪ Week 4: Tuesday, October 15, 5:00-6:00 pm AEDT

    ▪ Week 5: Tuesday October 22, 10:00-11:00 am AEDT

    ▪ Week 6: Tuesday October 29, 10:00-11:00 am AEDT

    ▪ Week 7: Tuesday, November 5, 10:00-11:00 am AEDT

    ▪ Week 8: Tuesday, November 12, 8:00-9:00 am AEDT

    Course Objectives

    By the end of the course, students will… ▪  have a profound understanding of advanced (ensemble) prediction methods ▪ have built up a comprehensive ML toolkit to tackle various learning problems ▪ know how to(critically) evaluate and interpret results from ''black-box'' models


    1. Intro: Bias-variance trade-off, cross-validation (stratified splits, temporal cv) and model tuning (grid and random search)

    2. Classification: Performance metrics (ROC, PR curves, precision at K) and class imbalance (over- and undersampling, SMOTE)

    3. Ensemble methods I: Bagging and Extra-Trees

    4. Ensemble methods II: Boosting (Adaboost, GBM, XGBoost) and Stacking

    5. Variable selection: Lasso, elastic net and fuzzy/ recursive random forests

    6. Support Vector Machines

    7. Advanced unsupervised learning: Hierarchical clustering and LDA

    8. Interpreting (Variable Importance, PDP, ...) and reporting ML results

    Your instructor: Prof. Christoph Kern

    Christoph Kern is Junior Professor of Social Data Science and Statistical Learning at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and Project Director at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES). He received his PhD in social science (Dr. rer. pol.) from the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2016. Before joining LMU Munich, he was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Professorship for Statistics and Methodology at the University of Mannheim and Research Assistant Professor at the Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM) at the University of Maryland. His work focuses on the reliable use of machine learning methods and new data sources in social science, survey research, and algorithmic fairness.

     Your instructor: Prof. Trent Buskirk

    Current positions: ▪ Professor and Provost Data Science Fellow at Old Dominion University ▪ Novak Family Professor of Data Science, Chair and Director at Bowling Green State University ▪ Adjunct Research Professor at the University of Michigan

    Dr. Buskirk is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association. His research includes the areas of Mobile and Smartphone Survey Designs, methods for calibrating and weighting nonprobability samples, and the use of big data and machine learning methods for health, social and survey science design and analysis. His research has been published in leading journals such as Cancer, Social Science Computer Review, Journal of Official Statistics, and the Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology.


    Topics covered in Introduction to Machine Learning and Big Data (ML I), i.e.:

    ▪ Conceptual basics of machine learning (training vs. test data, model evaluation basics)

    ▪ Decision trees with CART

    ▪ Randomforests Familiarity with the statistical programming language R is strongly recommended.

    Participants are encouraged to work through one or more R tutorials prior to the first-class meeting. Some resources can be found here:

    ▪ https ://

    ▪ http ://

    ▪ https ://

    ▪ https ://

    Grading will be based on:

    ▪ 4 homeworkassignments (10% each)

    ▪ 8 onlinequizzes (5% each) 

    ▪ Participation in discussion during the weekly online meetings (20% of grade)

    Early Bird Deadline
    Please book before 5 July 2024 to take advantage of the Early Bird Deadline.


    Participants will receive access data for the online course, in particular to any learning platform that may be used. The rights of use connected to the access data are personally assigned to the participant. Passing on the access data is not allowed. Also, the temporary transfer to third parties is not permitted.
    The right to use the transmitted access data, in particular with regard to any materials or video recordings provided, can only be exercised up to a maximum of 2 months after the program end. After expiration of this 2-months period, the access data will be deleted by Mannheim Business School (MBS). Before the expiration of this period, the participant may view the respective recorded course as often as desired and without time restriction.
    If we have reasons to believe that the participant is abusing the right of use granted to him or that there is a violation of the terms of use, MBS reserves the right to change the participant’s access data as well as to partially or completely block the access or to prohibit the further use of the digital content.

    Group bookings

    For group bookings, please email with the names, email addresses, and telephone numbers  of the participants in the group.

    Cancellation Policy
    Occasionally courses have to be cancelled due to a lack of subscription. Early registration ensures that this will not happen.

    Cancellations received prior to two weeks before the event will be refunded, 
    minus the  Stripe processing fee (1.75% + $0.30 per transaction) and an SSA administration fee of $20. 

    From then onward no part of the registration fee will be refunded. However, registrations are transferable within the same organisation. Please advise any changes to

    For any questions, please email

    • 15 Oct 2024
    • 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
    • Online
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    The Early Career and Student Statisticians Network is warmly invites you to an introductory workshop on Large Language Models for Statisticians presented by Dr Emi Tanaka. 

    About the workshop:

    This workshop serves as an introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs), specifically tailored for statisticians. The concept behind LLMs are distilled and presented in a way that is accessible and relevant to those with a background in statistics. The workshop will help participants understand how LLMs can be integrated into existing workflows. Practical applications will be demonstrated primarily through the R programming language. Participants will receive all R codes used in the demonstration, enabling them to replicate the analyses and continue exploring LLMs on their own.

    Learning objectives:

    • Understanding the fundamental concepts of large Language models (LLMs)  and Generative Artificial Intelligence (genAI).
    • Exploring the role LLMs in modern data analysis and decision-making.
    • Gain insight into practical applications of LLMs in various domains.

    About the presenter:

    Dr Emi Tanaka is an Applied Statistician and Deputy Director at the Biological Data Science Institute at the Australian National University. Her primary interest is developing impactful methods and tools practitioners can readily use. She delivers numerous statistical workshops including data visualisation, data wrangling, reproducible practices, statistical modelling and statistical consulting. She was the inaugural recipient of the SSA Distinguished Presenter's Award based on the delivery of her workshops.

    Target audience:

    The workshop is suitable for statisticians, data analysts and professionals with a background in statistics who are interested in exploring the applications and implications of Large Language Models.


    • Computer
    • Stable internet connection.
    • Install the video conferencing software, zoom and know how to use it.
    • Basic statistics (e.g. simple linear regression, hypothesis testing, basic summary statistics and plots)

    Please note that some participants may have difficulty installing the software ollama (particularly Window users). Detailed instructions for installing the necessary software including ollama, will be provided.  However, technical assistance for software installation is beyond the scope of the workshop, so participants will need to manage the installation on their own.  


    • Microphone and web camera.
    • Some familiarity with R.
    • Admin rights to their computer to install software like ollama ( and R package.
    • Basic understanding of machine learning concepts.


    1:30-3:00pm session 1

    3:00-3:30 Break

    3:30-5:00pm Session 2

    All profits from this workshop will be given as a sponsorship to the SSA to support early career statisticians.

    Cancellation Policy
    Occasionally workshops have to be cancelled due to a lack of subscription. Early registration ensures that this will not happen.

    Cancellations received prior to two weeks before the event will be refunded, 
    minus the  Stripe processing fee (1.75% + $0.30 per transaction) and an SSA administration fee of $20. 

    From then onward no part of the registration fee will be refunded. However, registrations are transferable within the same organisation. Please advise any changes to

    For any questions, please email

    • 21 Oct 2024
    • 23 Oct 2024
    • Level 9, Paramatta City Campus, Western Sydney University.

    Join the Women in STEM Careers and

    Entrepreneurship Masterclass this October!

    Unlock your potential at the upcoming Women in STEM Careers and Entrepreneurship Masterclass, hosted by the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute and Western Sydney University. This exclusive event will take place from 21 - 23 October at the Parramatta City Campus, Western Sydney University.

    Designed for women STEM researchers, this masterclass offers a unique opportunity to delve into Australia’s research commercialisation and innovation ecosystem. Gain insights directly from industry and university experts in research innovation, and hear success stories from researchers who have transitioned into leading roles in startups or R&D teams.

    Who should attend?

    If you are a STEM research student or an early to mid-career researcher, this masterclass is tailored for you. We especially encourage those who have participated in an APR Internship, funded by APR’s WISE program, to take advantage of available sponsorships covering accommodation and travel expenses.

    Event Details

    • Time and Date: 9am - 5pm AEDT, 21 - 23 October 2024.
    • Location: Level 9, Paramatta City Campus, Western Sydney University.
    • Cost: $130 GA, Free for APR.Intern WiSE subsidy recipients.

    Join us at the forefront of STEM innovation and entrepreneurship.

    We look forward to welcoming you to Sydney this October!

    For more information and to register click here.

    • 18 Nov 2024
    • 21 Nov 2024
    • University of Canterbury, Christchurch NZ
    This registration page is sponsored by:

    The Early Career & Student Statisticians Conference (ECSSC) is a biennial conference held during the interstitial years of the Australian Statistical Conference (ASC).

    It is jointly organised by the ECSS Network of the Statistical Society of Australia (SSA), and the Student and Early Career Statisticians Network (SECS) of the New Zealand Statistical Association (NZSA).

    For 2024, we are excited to coordinate three local hubs: Perth, Hobart, and Christchurch; as well as offer a livestream.


    The aims of this event are:

    Provide an opportunity to socialise and share ideas amongst peers.

    Build and expand professional networks for mutual support and collaboration.

    Discuss new techniques and technologies applicable to statistics and data science.

    Promote the role of statistics in academia, government, and industry.

    An “Early Career or Student Statistician” is anyone who is currently studying statistics or data science, or has graduated in the last five years and works with statistics. There is no age restriction.

    It will pay to join the SSA and enjoy all the benefits, like discount rates on this conference.

    Full-time student membership ($20)

    Discounted student membership of SSA is available to those who are engaged in full-time studies and do not have an income. If you earn a salary you will generally not qualify for student membership. If you are unsure of your status please feel free to contact SSA at with information about your student status and employment status (full-time, part-time, casual or permanent, name of employer) and an individual assessment will be made.

    Please email evidence of your current full-time enrolment status to SSA’s membership officer to after signing up. This can be either a copy of the student identity card issued by the educational institution or a document providing evidence signed and verified by the institution. If proof of full-time student status has not been received within 14 days of signing up with SSA, the membership application will be rejected and a refund issued, minus a $10 admin fee.

    Student members will receive the weekly SSA newsletter and have online access to four copies of the "Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics" and six electronic issues of "Significance" each year.

    Early Career Membership ($140)

    This discounted level of membership is available to members transitioning or having transitioned from full-time university studies to employment within the last three years. The fee is half the cost of full membership, with all the benefits of full membership.


    ECSSC2024 is a hybrid event held over four half-days across three in-person hubs. For the best experience, delegates are strongly encouraged to attend one of these hubs either in Perth, Hobart, or Christchurch. Nevertheless, presenters at each hub will be livestreamed to the other hubs and to the online audience.

    Cancellation Policy

    Cancellations received prior to two weeks before the event will be refunded, 
    minus the  Stripe processing fee (1.75% + $0.30 per transaction) and an SSA administration fee of $20. 

    From then onward no part of the registration fee will be refunded. However, registrations are transferable within the same organisation. Please advise any changes to

    For any questions, please email

    • 18 Nov 2024
    • 21 Nov 2024
    • University of Tasmania, Hobart Tas
    This registration page is sponsored by:

    The Early Career & Student Statisticians Conference (ECSSC) is a biennial conference held during the interstitial years of the Australian Statistical Conference (ASC).

    It is jointly organised by the ECSS Network of the Statistical Society of Australia (SSA), and the Student and Early Career Statisticians Network (SECS) of the New Zealand Statistical Association (NZSA).

    For 2024, we are excited to coordinate three local hubs: Perth, Hobart, and Christchurch; as well as offer a livestream.


    The aims of this event are:

    Provide an opportunity to socialise and share ideas amongst peers.

    Build and expand professional networks for mutual support and collaboration.

    Discuss new techniques and technologies applicable to statistics and data science.

    Promote the role of statistics in academia, government, and industry.

    An “Early Career or Student Statistician” is anyone who is currently studying statistics or data science, or has graduated in the last five years and works with statistics. There is no age restriction.

    It will pay to join the SSA and enjoy all the benefits, like discount rates on this conference.

    Full-time student membership ($20)

    Discounted student membership of SSA is available to those who are engaged in full-time studies and do not have an income. If you earn a salary you will generally not qualify for student membership. If you are unsure of your status please feel free to contact SSA at with information about your student status and employment status (full-time, part-time, casual or permanent, name of employer) and an individual assessment will be made.

    Please email evidence of your current full-time enrollment status to SSA’s membership officer to after signing up. This can be either a copy of the student identity card issued by the educational institution or a document providing evidence signed and verified by the institution. If proof of full-time student status has not been received within 14 days of signing up with SSA, the membership application will be rejected and a refund issued, minus a $10 admin fee.

    Student members will receive the weekly SSA newsletter and have online access to four copies of the "Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics" and six electronic issues of "Significance" each year.

    Early Career Membership ($140)

    This discounted level of membership is available to members transitioning or having transitioned from full-time university studies to employment within the last three years. The fee is half the cost of full membership, with all the benefits of full membership.


    ECSSC2024 is a hybrid event held over four half-days across three in-person hubs. For the best experience, delegates are strongly encouraged to attend one of these hubs either in Perth, Hobart, or Christchurch. Nevertheless, presenters at each hub will be livestreamed to the other hubs and to the online audience.

    Cancellation Policy

    Cancellations received prior to two weeks before the event will be refunded, 
    minus the  Stripe processing fee (1.75% + $0.30 per transaction) and an SSA administration fee of $20. 

    From then onward no part of the registration fee will be refunded. However, registrations are transferable within the same organisation. Please advise any changes to

    For any questions, please email

    • 18 Nov 2024
    • 21 Nov 2024
    • Hobart, Perth, New Zealand

    Join us for the biennial Early Career & Student Statisticians Conference (ECSSC). Organised by the ECSS Network of SSA and SECS Network of NZSA, this event offers invaluable insights and networking opportunities.

    This year, we're excited to host local hubs in Perth, WA, Hobart, Tasmania and Christchurch, New Zealand, as well as a livestream option. Don't miss out on this incredible experience!

    To register for the Perth Hub click here.

    To register for the Hobart Hub click here.

    To register for the Christchurch Hub click here.

    If you intend on attending online, click any of the hubs to register.

    Important Dates:

    • 1 July 2024: Call for abstracts
    • 11 July 2024: Registrations open
    • 26 July 2024: Deadline for abstract submission

    Please note that these dates might be adjusted as the conference approaches. The conference website is

     This registration page is sponsored by:

    • 18 Nov 2024
    • 21 Nov 2024
    • Curtin University, Perth WA

    This registration page is sponsored by:

    The Early Career & Student Statisticians Conference (ECSSC) is a biennial conference held during the interstitial years of the Australian Statistical Conference (ASC).

    It is jointly organised by the ECSS Network of the Statistical Society of Australia (SSA), and the Student and Early Career Statisticians Network (SECS) of the New Zealand Statistical Association (NZSA).

    For 2024, we are excited to coordinate three local hubs: Perth, Hobart, and Christchurch; as well as offer a livestream.


    The aims of this event are:

    Provide an opportunity to socialise and share ideas amongst peers.

    Build and expand professional networks for mutual support and collaboration.

    Discuss new techniques and technologies applicable to statistics and data science.

    Promote the role of statistics in academia, government, and industry.

    An “Early Career or Student Statistician” is anyone who is currently studying statistics or data science, or has graduated in the last five years and works with statistics. There is no age restriction.

    It will pay to join the SSA and enjoy all the benefits, like discount rates on this conference.

    Full-time student membership ($20)

    Discounted student membership of SSA is available to those who are engaged in full-time studies and do not have an income. If you earn a salary you will generally not qualify for student membership. If you are unsure of your status please feel free to contact SSA at with information about your student status and employment status (full-time, part-time, casual or permanent, name of employer) and an individual assessment will be made.

    Please email evidence of your current full-time enrolment status to SSA’s membership officer to after signing up. This can be either a copy of the student identity card issued by the educational institution or a document providing evidence signed and verified by the institution. If proof of full-time student status has not been received within 14 days of signing up with SSA, the membership application will be rejected and a refund issued, minus a $10 admin fee.

    Student members will receive the weekly SSA newsletter and have online access to four copies of the "Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics" and six electronic issues of "Significance" each year.

    Early Career Membership ($140)

    This discounted level of membership is available to members transitioning or having transitioned from full-time university studies to employment within the last three years. The fee is half the cost of full membership, with all the benefits of full membership.


    ECSSC2024 is a hybrid event held over four half-days across three in-person hubs. For the best experience, delegates are strongly encouraged to attend one of these hubs either in Perth, Hobart, or Christchurch. Nevertheless, presenters at each hub will be livestreamed to the other hubs and to the online audience.

    Cancellation Policy

    Cancellations received prior to two weeks before the event will be refunded, 
    minus the  Stripe processing fee (1.75% + $0.30 per transaction) and an SSA administration fee of $20. 

    From then onward no part of the registration fee will be refunded. However, registrations are transferable within the same organisation. Please advise any changes to

    For any questions, please email

    • 27 Nov 2024
    • 29 Nov 2024
    • Holme Building, University of Sydney

    ACSPRI is a consortium of universities, government research agencies and not-for profit research organisations, established as a non-profit organisation in 1976 to support and promote social science. They run intensive courses on both qualitative and quantitative research methods; develop Open source computer-assisted survey software; and undertake survey and infrastructure projects for researchers from member organisations.

    The ACSPRI conference is multi-disciplinary and brings together researchers and methodologists from a range of environments and contexts and contexts.

    CALL FOR PAPERS: 9th Biennial ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference 2024

    Conference dates: Wednesday November 27 – Friday November 29, 2024

    Venue: Holme Building, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

    The call for papers is now open. We welcome proposals for presentations (abstract reviewed), short videos and posters. Submissions close on 20 September 2024.

    A unique feature of this conference is that it is multi-disciplinary and brings together researchers and methodologists from a range of environments and contexts.

    The conference is organised around four themes:

    1. Research paradigms and designs;
    2. Research methods and techniques;
    3. Research technology and tools;
    4. Datasets, data collections and data archiving.

    There will be three types of submissions considered:

    1. Presentations where an abstract is reviewed (abstract in the conference proceedings).
    2. Posters - including a student poster competition (abstract in the conference proceedings).
    3. Short videos (5 minutes) - including a student short video competition (abstract in the conference proceedings).
    More details will appear on the conference website soon

    Some important dates:

    • Late August 2024: Earlybird registration opens
    • 20 September 2024: Abstract submission closes
    • 11 October 2024: Earlybird registration closes
    • 13 November 2024: Final date for submission of short videos
    • 27 November 2024: Conference opens
    • 2 Dec 2024
    • 5 Dec 2024
    • Adelaide

    The International Environmetrics Society (TIES) is a non-profit organization aimed to foster the development and use of statistical and other quantitative methods in the environmental sciences, environmental engineering and environmental monitoring and protection. To this end, the Society promotes the participation of statisticians, mathematicians, scientists and engineers in the solution of environmental problems and emphasizes the need for collaboration and for clear communication between individuals from different disciplines and between researchers and practitioners.

    All contributions related to environmetrics are welcome from across academia, research institutes, government, business and industry.

    For information on the conference click here.

    Key Dates:

    Deadline for Invited Paper Sessions 15th July 2024
    Deadline for Contributed Papers  15th Aug 2024
    Invited paper contributors informed of outcome 31st July 2024
    Contributed paper authors informed of outcome 9th Sept 2024
    Registration opens 15th July 2024
    Deadline for early registration 23rd Sept 2024

    For questions contact: John Boland

    • 28 Dec 2024
    • 29 Dec 2024
    • Sri Lanka

    • 24 Feb 2025
    • 28 Feb 2025
    • Deakin University’s Melbourne CBD campus 727 Collins Street, Docklands VIC 3008

    Deakin Epidemiology is pleased to offer a summer Masterclass focused on Logistic regression to be delivered by arguably the world’s most famous teacher of this statistical technique – Prof. Stanley Lemeshow. In years past, Lemeshow together with Ken Rothman offered back-to-back masterclasses in Biostats and Epi in Tasmania which were a bit of an institution, with many epidemiologists and biostatisticians building their knowledge and networks by heading south for a healthy dose of upskilling or as a refresher. Stan has agreed to offer this program onshore once again in Australia, this time at Deakin University’s Melbourne CBD campus 727 Collins Street, Docklands VIC 3008.

    This 5-day course (Feb 24-28, 2025) will provide theoretical and hands-on practical knowledge and skills in statistical modeling with an in-depth focus on logistic regression analysis – the standard method for regression analysis of binary, multinomial and ordinal response data in health research. Each day comprises a 4-hr class in the morning and a 2-hr practical session in the afternoon and opportunities to network with fellow health and medical practitioners and researchers.”

    Places are limited, so get in early! For more information click here!

    • 24 Nov 2025
    • 28 Nov 2025
    • Canberra

    Come join the International Biometrics Society Australasian Region's biannual conference in the bush capital Canberra!

Past events

29 Aug 2024 ACT Branch Meeting -- A Neural-Statistical Hybrid Model for Spatio-temporal Prediction of Groundwater Dynamics in Bangladesh
27 Aug 2024 2024 SSA Annual General Meeting with Guest Speaker Lynne Giles presenting Congenital heart defects and educational outcomes: Findings from a South Australian data linkage study
27 Aug 2024 Personal Journey of Brian Phillips: A Webinar by Early Career & Student Statisticians Network and History Standing Committee of SSA
22 Aug 2024 SSA NSW August 22 – Gianni La Cava - Joint event with Royal Statistical Society’s section on Finance and Economics and The University of Sydney Business School - Sydney Uni – 7.00pm – 8.00pm
20 Aug 2024 SSA Vic & Tas August 2024 Event
20 Aug 2024 ECSSN and NZSA Joint Webinar: Setting up a reproducible data analysis project in R – featuring Github, renv, targets and more
13 Aug 2024 Joint SSA WA & IBS-AR Meeting: An In-depth Analysis of the Openness and Computational Reproducibility of Plant Pathology Journal Articles (Adam Sparks)
7 Aug 2024 SSA SA August Branch Meeting: Overview of the Intergenerational Health & Mental Health Study and Methods for using new data sources in the Australian CPI
1 Aug 2024 ACT Branch Foreman Lecture -- The ABCDE of Big Data - Analytics, Bias Correction, Classification, Data Integration and Evaluation.
31 Jul 2024 SSA QLD Branch Meeting: Using meta-research to quantify the implications of “publish or perish” on statistical reporting
30 Jul 2024 ECSSN and NZSA webinar: Are Statisticians Sufficiently Engaged with Public Policy?
16 Jul 2024 2024 SSA Vic & Tas July Event
14 Jul 2024 International workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM 2024)
28 Jun 2024 CPD 183- Quarto for Scientists presented by Nick Tierney
28 Jun 2024 CPD 182- Working Smarter with Targets presented by Miles McBain
26 Jun 2024 SSA QLD Branch Meeting: Statistical approaches for analysing multi-environment trials
25 Jun 2024 Canberra Branch Meeting -- Using Propensity Scores in Observational Data Analysis: Some Theory and a Practical Application
25 Jun 2024 ESCCN and NZSA webinar: Adventures in Statistics and Genetics: a brief history of the methods in Animal Breeding
19 Jun 2024 SSA SA Branch June Meeting: What goes into a global temperature number?
19 Jun 2024 SSA NSW June 19 – John Ormerod and Jackson Zhou - Sydney Uni – 5.30pm – 7.30pm
18 Jun 2024 SSA Vic & Tas: June Mentoring Event
18 Jun 2024 Stata The Easy Way: An introductory course designed to teach data preparation, analysis, regression and graphics
11 Jun 2024 SSA WA: Perth Biostats/Bioinfo Meetup 2024
29 May 2024 SSA QLD Branch Meeting: Applying statistics to 3D maps of our Universe to understand its history and future
28 May 2024 Canberra Branch May Meeting: Using Propensity Scores in Observational Data Analysis: Some Theory and a Practical Application
21 May 2024 2024 SSA Vic & Tas May Event
16 May 2024 SSA NSW May 16 – David Warton and Houying Zhu - Macquarie University – 11am – 2pm, lunch provided
14 May 2024 SSA WA: Early Career & Student Statisticians Evening
8 May 2024 Join R Exchange 2024
2 May 2024 Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 2024
30 Apr 2024 Canberra Branch Meeting -- COVID-19 vaccine fatigue in Scotland
10 Apr 2024 Fast Integrative Factor Models: Applications from Nutritional Epidemiology to Cancer Genomics
9 Apr 2024 SSA WA April: Models for Alcohol Effects (Dr John Henstridge)
28 Mar 2024 SSA NSW: 2024 AGM + Lancaster Lecture by Dr Gordana Popovic
26 Mar 2024 Canberra Branch Meeting --Optimising Twin Uniform Distribution for Multiplicative Noise Data Masking
26 Mar 2024 SSA QLD Branch AGM and seminar
26 Mar 2024 CPD 175- Visualising high-dimensional data presented by Di Cook
26 Mar 2024 CPD 177- Introduction to Machine Learning with tidymodels Presented by Max Kuhn
26 Mar 2024 CPD 176- Visualising spatial uncertainty presented by Petra Kuhnert
21 Mar 2024 Assessing the risk of bias in studies evaluating the effects of interventions and of exposures
20 Mar 2024 SA Branch AGM
19 Mar 2024 Developing Standards
19 Mar 2024 SSA Vic & Tas AGM
12 Mar 2024 WA Branch AGM 2024 (Alex Jenkins)
20 Feb 2024 No installation required: Instant coding demos and workshops using dev containers and WebR
15 Feb 2024 CPD170 - Step by Step in Survey Weighting
13 Feb 2024 Sydney Privacy Workshop 2024
12 Feb 2024 ViCBiostat Summer School 2024
9 Feb 2024 Building Data Science Capacity within the BC Public Service: A Decade of Progress presented by Dr Stephanie Hazlitt Director, Data Science Partnerships, BC Stats
7 Feb 2024 CPD174 - An Introduction to Bayesian Modelling Using greta
6 Feb 2024 Canberra Branch Meeting -- Bayesian semi-mechanistic modelling with greta for ecology and epidemiology
6 Feb 2024 CPD169 - Introduction to Big Data & Machine Learning
5 Feb 2024 Bayes on the Beach 2024
8 Jan 2024 AMSI Summer School 2024
14 Dec 2023 OZCOTS 2023 Social
13 Dec 2023 SA Branch end-of-year dinner
12 Dec 2023 Early Career and Student Statisticians Network ASC Social
12 Dec 2023 ASC Social Activity- Five Barrels Brewery
12 Dec 2023 ASC Social Activity-Dynomite Indoor Climbing Gym
12 Dec 2023 ASC Social Activity-Walk up Mount Keira lookout
12 Dec 2023 ASC Social Activity- Buribun Art Weaving
10 Dec 2023 CPD159-ASC 2023 Workshop- Essential Skills for Statistical Communication
10 Dec 2023 CPD160-ASC 2023 Workshop-Statistical Consultancy – The Essentials for Getting Started and Ongoing Success
10 Dec 2023 CPD161-ASC 2023 Workshop-Deep Statistics for More Rigorous and Efficient Data Science
10 Dec 2023 ASC and OZCOTS 2023
4 Dec 2023 Workshop on Causal and Explainable Artificial Intelligence
4 Dec 2023 Clinical Registry Data Analysis Using Stata
4 Dec 2023 Bayesian Non-Parametric Networking Workshop
1 Dec 2023 CPD173- Creating data plots for effective decision-making using statistical inference with R, presented by Dianne Cook
1 Dec 2023 CPD172- Interactive web applications with Shiny for R presented by Mitchell O'Hara-Wild
1 Dec 2023 CPD171- Deploying your model code into production with Microsoft Azure, presented by Dean Marchiori
28 Nov 2023 SSA WA: 2023 End of Year Function
27 Nov 2023 2023 International Biometric Society Australasian Region conference
24 Nov 2023 Statistical Consulting Network November Meet-Up
22 Nov 2023 NSW Branch: 2023 Annual Dinner
22 Nov 2023 NSW Branch: 2023 Annual Event: JB Douglas Award, Annual Lecture by Prof. Sally Cripps, Annual Dinner
21 Nov 2023 SSA Vic & Tas Panel Discussion - Statisticians in Society
21 Nov 2023 Canberra Branch Meeting -- Knibbs lecture 2023
16 Nov 2023 SSA QLD Branch Meeting: ASC Scholarship Showcase
16 Nov 2023 ECSSN Nov Event-From Student to Data Professional: Keys to Success in Australasian Data Industry
15 Nov 2023 SA Branch: 2023 E.A. Cornish Memorial Lecture
14 Nov 2023 SSA WA November: Maintenance Policy for a Latent Degradation System (Dr Soudabeh Shemehsavar)
14 Nov 2023 Surviving Grant Season: Lessons Learned & Practical Tips for NHMRC, MRFF and Investigator Grant development
13 Nov 2023 ASC 2023 Tees
8 Nov 2023 Value of Networking and Mentoring to Achieve Your Best: Do you have to be a Superwoman to be Successful?
1 Nov 2023 17th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering
30 Oct 2023 SSA Vic & Tas Hacky Hour - Building R packages
27 Oct 2023 Statistical Consulting Network October Meet-Up
27 Oct 2023 Integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) into the Data Science Workflow Speaker: Rohan Alexander
26 Oct 2023 ECSSN and NZSA October Webinar: An academic journey in pursuing the art of statistics
18 Oct 2023 SSA QLD Branch Meeting: From uncertainty to certainty: Exploiting parameter relationships to manage uncertainty in mathematical modelling
18 Oct 2023 Evaluation of Extreme Forecasts
18 Oct 2023 Canberra Branch Meeting -- Dennis Trewin prize 2023
18 Oct 2023 SA Young Statistician Career Event
17 Oct 2023 SSA Vic & Tas Belz Lecture dinner
17 Oct 2023 SSA Vic & Tas Belz Lecture: Mathematics, Gender and Statistics
17 Oct 2023 Australian Trials Methodology Conference 2023
16 Oct 2023 Platform trials and master protocols
10 Oct 2023 SSA WA October: Large Language Models, and Multi-Modalities (Dr Caren Han)
10 Oct 2023 Canberra Branch Meeting -- Bayesian Inference for Construction of Inverse Models from Data
29 Sep 2023 Statistical Consulting Network September Meet-Up
28 Sep 2023 SSA NSW: Early Career and Student Statisticians Career Event 2023
28 Sep 2023 CPD168- Careers Masterclass Series
20 Sep 2023 SSA QLD Branch Meeting: Counting all the fish in the MCM"SEA"
20 Sep 2023 Risk & Insurance Insights: Why Statisticians should have Cyber & Professional Indemnity Insurance
19 Sep 2023 SSA Vic & Tas - Early Career and Student Statistician Showcase
19 Sep 2023 The 6th ISM International Statistical Conference ISM-VI 2023
12 Sep 2023 SSA WA September: Gaussian Process Modelling in Large Astronomical Surveys (Shih Ching Fu)
29 Aug 2023 Canberra Branch Meeting -- The practitioner’s guide to machine learning quality in the ABS
25 Aug 2023 Statistical Consulting Network August Meet-Up
24 Aug 2023 SSA and ASPAI AGMs and Q & A for the Strategic Plan
24 Aug 2023 Venables Award seminar
23 Aug 2023 SSA QLD Branch Meeting: Collecting and Analysing Data through the Lens of a Behavioural Economist
22 Aug 2023 Trivia with SSA Vic & Tas
16 Aug 2023 SSA SA Branch meeting: The Role of Statisticians in Addressing the Poor Quality of Clinical Research (webinar)
16 Aug 2023 SSA NSW August event: A/Prof Anastasios Pangiotelis - Forecast Reconciliation: A Review
16 Aug 2023 Introduction to Data Linkage for Research
15 Aug 2023 Applications in long-term forecasting, derivatives valuation, anomaly detection, and machine learning
8 Aug 2023 Joint SSA WA & IBS-AR Meeting: Designing Efficient Clinical Trials (Michael Dymock)
5 Aug 2023 CPD165 - Machine Learning with Python
2 Aug 2023 SSA QLD Branch Meeting: Evidence of statistical "hacking" in clinical prediction models
28 Jul 2023 Statistical Consulting Network July Meet-Up
26 Jul 2023 Canberra Branch Meeting -- ChatGPT and Large Language Models: A Computational Linguistics Perspective
25 Jul 2023 Hacky hour - SSA Vic & Tas
20 Jul 2023 ECSSN & NZSA webinar-SmP2023: Perspectives from two Early Career Statisticians
18 Jul 2023 Spatial Statistics 2023: Climate and the Environment Inbox
17 Jul 2023 IWSM 2023- The 37th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling
16 Jul 2023 64 World Statistics Congress
10 Jul 2023 SMC Down Under
3 Jul 2023 AMSI Winter School 2023 on Modelling our Changing Biosphere.
30 Jun 2023 Statistical Consulting Network June Meet-Up
28 Jun 2023 SSA QLD Branch Meeting: Structural Choice Modelling: An Extension and Generalisation of McFadden's Multinomial Logit
27 Jun 2023 SSA Vic & Tas mentoring night
27 Jun 2023 Canberra Branch Meeting -- Statistically Significant or Signifying Statistics?
27 Jun 2023 SSA NSW June event: Prof Lucy Marshall - Quantifying the known unknowns
23 Jun 2023 Statistics and Data Science Education: Connecting Disciplines
22 Jun 2023 Much More Than Just Fitting Models - Perspective from an Applied Statistical Scientist
15 Jun 2023 Navigating the Australian research funding landscape: a networking evening
15 Jun 2023 Novel applications of cross-sectoral data linkage to understand and reduce health inequities among Australians in contact with the criminal justice system
13 Jun 2023 SSA WA: Perth Biostats/Bioinfo Meetup 2023
31 May 2023 How to Become a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science
30 May 2023 SSA Vic & Tas May Event: What's new in the tidyverse? by Professor Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
30 May 2023 Canberra Branch Meeting -- Statistical methods for quantifying empathic accuracy
29 May 2023 ACSPRI Masterclasses in Choice Modelling
26 May 2023 Statistical Consulting Network May Meet-Up
17 May 2023 SSA NSW May event: Dr Gery Geenens - Towards a universal representation of statistical dependence -
9 May 2023 SSA WA: Early Career & Student Statisticians Evening
9 May 2023 Just a few days left to submit a rapid-fire talk to RSS 2023 Conference
8 May 2023 Instats courses
4 May 2023 Getting to Know: The Australia Bureau of Statistics
3 May 2023 Tomorrow’s Leaders
2 May 2023 Canberra Branch Meeting -- Machine Learning at the AIHW
28 Apr 2023 Statistical Consulting Network April Meet-Up
27 Apr 2023 CPD-164 Nonstationary Time Series: Techniques and Tools (Prof. Guy Nason)
24 Apr 2023 SSA ECSSN & WA: A Drink with Prof. Guy Nason
20 Apr 2023 Getting to Know: Stats New Zealand
20 Apr 2023 CPD163- Mathematical Engineering of Deep Learning - Part One Foundations
18 Apr 2023 SSA WA: Network Time Series (Prof. Guy Nason, 2023 Frank Hansford-Miller Fellow)
31 Mar 2023 Statistical Consulting Network March Meet-Up
30 Mar 2023 Academia vs Industry: A statistical viewpoint
30 Mar 2023 Fundamentals of Qualitative Research - March 2023
29 Mar 2023 SSA QLD branch AGM and seminar
28 Mar 2023 20 years of statistical bioinformatics: a brief history of the limma and edgeR packages
28 Mar 2023 SSA Vic branch Annual General Meeting
28 Mar 2023 Canberra Branch AGM and Meeting -- Estimation of daily smoking prevalence for disaggregated statistical areas in Australia
22 Mar 2023 SSA SA Branch - 2023 Annual General Meeting
21 Mar 2023 Webinar: Why statisticians should have a tailored insurance program
21 Mar 2023 Use linear, logistic, Poisson and its variants regressions in the context of longitudinal studies in health and medical research.
16 Mar 2023 SSA NSW: 2023 AGM + Lancaster Lecture
16 Mar 2023 Core Skills - Getting started with Storyfinding
14 Mar 2023 WA Branch AGM 2023 (A/Prof. Silvana Gaudieri)
8 Mar 2023 CPD 157-Small Area Estimation Workshop: Combining Census and survey data to create reliable local-area estimates
1 Mar 2023 2023 Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) Welcome Event
28 Feb 2023 Canberra Branch Meeting -- Trials and Triumphs with survey estimation
24 Feb 2023 Statistical Consulting Network February Meet-Up
21 Feb 2023 Causal inference in Econometrics and Health Sciences
8 Feb 2023 SSA QLD Branch Meeting: Bad statistics: What can journals do?
6 Feb 2023 CPD155- The Necessary SQL - An Introduction to SQL with Daniel Fryer
16 Jan 2023 AMSI Summer Careers Day 2023
9 Jan 2023 AMSI Summer School 2023
7 Dec 2022 SSA Vic: Virtual social event
6 Dec 2022 Canberra Branch -- Knibbs lecture 2022
5 Dec 2022 NSW Branch: 2022 Annual Dinner
5 Dec 2022 NSW Branch: 2022 Annual Event: JB Douglas award, Annual lecture by Prof. Marijka Batterham, Annual Dinner
1 Dec 2022 The Time Series and Forecasting Symposium
1 Dec 2022 The 2022 ANZRSAI Conference: Australia and New Zealand Regional Science Association International 45th Annual Conference, 2022
29 Nov 2022 SSA WA: End of Year Function
29 Nov 2022 The Limits of Predictability
28 Nov 2022 Australasian Applied Statistics Conference 2022
25 Nov 2022 Statistical Consulting Network November Meet-Up
24 Nov 2022 Designing Data Visualization To Make a Real Impact On Your Audience (Data Visualization Stream)
23 Nov 2022 8th Biennial ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference 2022
22 Nov 2022 CPD156- A crash course on using machine learning methods effectively in practice
21 Nov 2022 ADSN Inaugural Conference
21 Nov 2022 BioInfoSummer 2022
21 Nov 2022 The FMfI (Forum Math-for Industry) Forum 2022 – “Mathematics of Public Health and Sustainability”
17 Nov 2022 SSA WA: Careers Panel, Networking & Sundowner
16 Nov 2022 The APCMfI (Asia Pacific Consortium of Mathematics for Industry) Conference – “Statistics and Mathematical Modelling in Combination”
15 Nov 2022 Enacting sovereign rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in official statistics and other data - Dr Kalinda Griffiths
15 Nov 2022 SSA and NZSA ECSS Miniconference 2022
10 Nov 2022 WAPOR 75th Annual and WAPOR Asia Pacific 5th Conference
9 Nov 2022 SSA NSW Branch: November Event - Andrew White - How the ARDC helps researchers maximise impact
9 Nov 2022 CPD153 - Time series analysis and forecasting using R
2 Nov 2022 SSA QLD Branch Meeting: Test anything with Universal Inference
28 Oct 2022 Statistical Consulting Network October Meet-Up
26 Oct 2022 SSA NSW Branch: October Event - Brian Cullis - Optimal Design of Comparative Experiments and the odw R Package
25 Oct 2022 Canberra Branch -- Dennis Trewin prize 2022
25 Oct 2022 Introduction to Linear Regression (Basic Statistics Stream)
20 Oct 2022 SSA Vic Belz Dinner
20 Oct 2022 SSA Vic Belz Lecture
20 Oct 2022 EC Bayes Seminar Series: Quan Vu (University of Wollongong)
20 Oct 2022 CPD154-Estimands, Estimators and Estimates: Aligning target of estimation, method of estimation, and sensitivity analysis
14 Oct 2022 Stochastic spatial random forest for detecting remotely sensed forest cover change despite missing data
13 Oct 2022 4th International Conference on Statistical Distributions and Applications (ICOSDA 2022)
13 Oct 2022 SSA & NZSA ECSSNs joint event: From PhD to post-doc: navigating life as an early-career researcher
12 Oct 2022 CPD152 - DIY R Package Workshop
12 Oct 2022 CPD147 – Sampling course
11 Oct 2022 SSA WA: Evaluation of spatial Bayesian Empirical Likelihood models in analysis of small area data (Dr Farzana Jahan)
11 Oct 2022 International Day for Women in Statistics and Data Science (IDWSDS)
5 Oct 2022 SSA QLD Branch October Meeting: clusterBMA: Combine insights from multiple clustering algorithms with Bayesian model averaging
30 Sep 2022 Statistical Consulting Network September Meet-Up
29 Sep 2022 SSA NSW: Early Career and Student Statisticians Career Event 2022
27 Sep 2022 The 2022 AEM Annual Statistics Conference
21 Sep 2022 SSA NSW Branch: September Event - Tom Honeyman - Recognising the value of research software
21 Sep 2022 SSA SA Branch September Meeting
20 Sep 2022 SSA Vic Early Career Panel
18 Sep 2022 34th Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE)
15 Sep 2022 SSA & NZSA ECSSNs Joint Event: The Academia-Industry War: Surviving the conflict between two opposing ideals as a graduate student
13 Sep 2022 SSA WA: Geostatistics for Regionalised Compositions (A/Prof. Ute Mueller)
12 Sep 2022 RSS International Conference 2022
8 Sep 2022 SSA Venables Award Winners 2022 seminar
7 Sep 2022 SSA SA Branch - Young Statistician's Career Evening
6 Sep 2022 A step toward the future – supporting the 2021 Census with integrated administrative data
30 Aug 2022 Canberra Branch Meeting -- Impacts of COVID-19, social distancing and movement restrictions on crime in NSW, Australia.
30 Aug 2022 SSA/ASPAI AGMs 2022, followed by presentation "Measuring Sex, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation"
29 Aug 2022 Kernel Stein discrepancy minimization for MCMC thinning in cardiac electrophysiology
26 Aug 2022 Statistical Consulting Network August Meet-Up
24 Aug 2022 SSA NSW Branch: August Event - Steph Stammel - Managing uncertainty: statistics and econometrics as part of a multidisciplinary approach
24 Aug 2022 SSA SA August Branch Meeting: The design and analysis of a two-phase experiments involving human subjects
18 Aug 2022 “Meet Our Reps” - SSA & NZSA ECSSNs Joint Event
9 Aug 2022 Joint SSA WA & IBS-AR Meeting: Non-parametric and semi-parametric models for analysing longitudinal data (Dr Kefei Chen)
9 Aug 2022 SSA Vic: Social event - Pub Trivia, Richmond
3 Aug 2022 SSA NSW Branch: July Event (in August) - Shila Ghazanfar - Mosaic single cell data integration
3 Aug 2022 SSA QLD Branch Meeting: Considering patient outcomes and healthcare costs when obtaining prediction model cutpoints may improve value-based care
29 Jul 2022 Statistical Consulting Network July Meet-Up
26 Jul 2022 Joint Canberra Branch + ABS Foreman Lecture -- How the ABS ensures that data from the Census is of high quality
21 Jul 2022 SSA Vic July Event-"Really Useful Engines - Engineering Data Science" by Miles McBain
20 Jul 2022 SSA SA July Branch Meeting: ANZHFR - data presentation for different audiences
18 Jul 2022 IWSM 2022 International Workshop on Statistical Modelling
11 Jul 2022 2021 Census Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander data seminar
10 Jul 2022 International Symposium on Forecasting
10 Jul 2022 XXXI International Biometric Conference (IBC 2022) - external event
7 Jul 2022 2021 Census National Data Seminar
6 Jul 2022 ICM 2022 - external conference
29 Jun 2022 Canberra Branch Meeting -- Current state and prospects of R-packages for the design of experiments by Emi Tanaka
29 Jun 2022 Biostatistics & Bioinformatics Section Webinar: Cross-Platform Omics Prediction Procedure: a game changer for implementing precision medicine
24 Jun 2022 Statistical Consulting Network June Meet-Up
22 Jun 2022 Economic Evaluation Alongside Clinical Trials: Principles of Study Design and Decision Analysis
21 Jun 2022 SSA Vic Mentoring Night
16 Jun 2022 SSA NSW Branch: June Event - Matt Moores - Bayesian Analysis of Raman Spectroscopy
15 Jun 2022 SSA SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BRANCH MEETING-The UK Coronavirus Dashboard: How We Provide a Daily, High Demand Service
15 Jun 2022 AIFS 2022 Conference
14 Jun 2022 SSA WA: Perth Biostat/Bioinfo Meetup
7 Jun 2022 Canberra Branch Meeting -- Flexible models for clustered data
7 Jun 2022 Frontiers in Biostatistics: Celebrating 10 years of ViCBiostat
27 May 2022 Statistical Consulting Network May Meet-Up
26 May 2022 Early Career Bayes Seminar for 2022
23 May 2022 SAE 2022: Small Area Estimation, Surveys and Data Science
20 May 2022 TIES Webinar Series on Data Science for Environmental Sciences (DSES)
19 May 2022 SSA NSW Branch: May Event - Michael Bewley, From AI to Action
17 May 2022 SSA Vic May Event
12 May 2022 CPD 129-Introduction to Machine Learning for Health Data
11 May 2022 SSA QLD Branch Meeting: Regressing the periodogram
11 May 2022 Statistics for Your Grant Applications
10 May 2022 SSA WA: Early Career & Student Statisticians Evening
3 May 2022 SSA-AMSI Data Science Review: Purpose and Arrangements
29 Apr 2022 Introducing the Statistical Consulting Network Monthly Meet-Ups
27 Apr 2022 SSA NSW Branch: : April Event by Prof Benoit Liquet-Weiland and Dr Sarat Babu Moka
27 Apr 2022 Queensland branch AGM and talk
26 Apr 2022 SSA Vic + Canberra + SCV + ARDC April Event: Research software engineers: how will they shape statistics?
12 Apr 2022 SSA WA: On Arbitrarily Underdispersed Discrete Distributions (Dr Alan Huang)
6 Apr 2022 What’s It Going to Take to Get Your Study Started? Pilot and Feasibility Studies
31 Mar 2022 SSA Welcome Event
30 Mar 2022 SSA Vic March Event
30 Mar 2022 SSA Vic AGM
30 Mar 2022 COVID-19: Unexpected Opportunities and Lessons for Australia's Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Epidemiological Community
29 Mar 2022 Canberra Branch Meeting -- Modelling of Group-Testing Data in Biosecurity
23 Mar 2022 SSA NSW: 2022 AGM + Lancaster Lecture
11 Mar 2022 Queensland Branch Meeting: Linking Heterogeneous Human Cognition with Household Financial Stress in an Agent-Based Model: Livestock Vaccine Decision-Making Among the Global Poor.
8 Mar 2022 WA Branch AGM 2022 (Prof. Elvezio Ronchetti)
7 Mar 2022 "Raising the Bar for Australian Data Science"
7 Mar 2022 Statistics for Research Workers using R and R Markdown.
3 Mar 2022 Current Innovations in Probability-based Household Internet Panel Research
1 Mar 2022 Canberra Branch Meeting featuring Dr Clara Grazian
23 Feb 2022 Kicking Off Your Research: How to Craft a Well-defined Research Question
17 Feb 2022 Gender Equality in Mathematics
8 Feb 2022 Sample Size and Power Calculations
8 Feb 2022 2022 ViCBiostat Summer School
26 Jan 2022 Making Inferences from Non-Probability Samples Through Data Integration
17 Jan 2022 ACSPRI's 2022 Summer Program
10 Jan 2022 AMSI Summer School 2022
15 Dec 2021 SSA Vic end-of-year social event
13 Dec 2021 CPD144- ABS Symposium on Data Access and Privacy
9 Dec 2021 NSW Branch: 2021 Annual Dinner
9 Dec 2021 NSW Branch: 2021 Annual Lecture by Prof. Simon Jackman - Statistics in the public eye: the case of predicting election outcome
9 Dec 2021 NSW Branch: 22nd J. B. Douglas Awards
8 Dec 2021 CPD146 - **Advanced** Data visualisation with R
6 Dec 2021 CPD140 - Data Visualisation with R
6 Dec 2021 Australian Trials Methodology Conference 2021
1 Dec 2021 SSA NSW: Early Career and Student Statisticians Career Event 2021
1 Dec 2021 StatChat
30 Nov 2021 SSA WA - End of Year Dinner
30 Nov 2021 SSA Canberra Knibbs Lecture: Perspectives on sample surveys by Prof David Steel
25 Nov 2021 Biostatistics and SARS-CoV2: A talk by Prof Geert Molenberghs
24 Nov 2021 Queensland Branch Meeting: Statistical Methods in Meta-Analysis with Applications in Health Sciences
23 Nov 2021 IASS Webinar 11 "Positioning Households Surveys for the next Decade"
23 Nov 2021 The Statistics of Climate Extreme
23 Nov 2021 Algorithmic Fairness: Choices, Assumptions, and Definitions
18 Nov 2021 CPD145 - Time Series Data Mining with Python
18 Nov 2021 CPD142 - Introduction to SQL, crash course
17 Nov 2021 SA Branch E.A. Cornish Lecture - Rob Hyndman
16 Nov 2021 SSA NSW Branch: Nov Meeting by Dr. Gabriela Nodari
16 Nov 2021 CPD139-An Introduction to Bayesian Modelling Using Greta
13 Nov 2021 CPD 143 - Machine learning with Python
10 Nov 2021 SSA NSW Branch: Oct (early Nov) Meeting by Prof. Matt Wand
9 Nov 2021 SSA WA Frank Hansford-Miller Fellowship: Research in engineering statistics: Current trends and future challenges (Dr Manuel Herrera)
9 Nov 2021 Marie Kondo Your Writing Workshop
3 Nov 2021 2021 Statistical Science Lecture (SSL): Saving Medical Dollars, Trillions at a Time: A Statistical Perspective.
26 Oct 2021 SSA Canberra Meeting: Dennis Trewin prize
25 Oct 2021 Mental Health and Well-being and the Statistical Society of Australia
25 Oct 2021 SSA Peer-Review Seminar and Panel Discussion
20 Oct 2021 SSA SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BRANCH - Kerrie Mengersen
20 Oct 2021 Queensland Branch Meeting: A Unified Bayesian Model for Predicting Volleyball Games
19 Oct 2021 ‘The ABCs of CPD’
12 Oct 2021 SSA WA Branch: Next Generation Supercomputing at Pawsey: Is Pawsey supercomputing getting ‘quikka’? Is it what I need? (Dr Pascal Elahi)
12 Oct 2021 Post-Belz lecture social night: virtual escape room
12 Oct 2021 SSA Vic Belz Lecture
29 Sep 2021 SSA NSW Branch: Sieve bootstrap memory parameter in long-range dependent stationary functional time series by Prof. Hanlin Shang
28 Sep 2021 Joint SSA Canberra + Canberra Data Scientists Meeting - Using Data Analytics for Audits
28 Sep 2021 Queensland Branch Meeting: Statisticians and the reproducibility crisis
27 Sep 2021 Mathematics without Borders - The Centennial of the International Mathematical Union
24 Sep 2021 Towards Higher-Dimensional Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Extremes - cancelled
23 Sep 2021 Storytelling with Data Visualisation
21 Sep 2021 SSA Vic: Industry Showcase Night
14 Sep 2021 SSA WA Branch: Attitudes of School Students Towards Mathematics (Prof. Inge Koch)
13 Sep 2021 Design and Analysis of Experiments course
3 Sep 2021 Summer School on Survey Statistics 2021
2 Sep 2021 SSA Vic Mentoring Event
31 Aug 2021 SSA Canberra branch meeting - Biostatistics collaborations in Health and Social research: The road taken.
25 Aug 2021 Queensland Branch Meeting: Prof Munni Begum
24 Aug 2021 SSA NSW: When your research meets Covid: A case study - by Dr. Nancy Briggs
17 Aug 2021 SSA AGM - followed by "Uncertain Futures: What Can We Forecast and When Should We Give Up?"
10 Aug 2021 Joint Meeting of SSA WA & IBS AR: Investigating Epigenetic Clocks (A/Prof Nicola Armstrong)
3 Aug 2021 SSA Vic Branch August Talk - Darren Clinch
27 Jul 2021 Joint SSA Canberra + Canberra Data Scientists Meeting
26 Jul 2021 SSA-EVENT: Early Career & Student Statisticians Conference 2021
25 Jul 2021 CPD135: Statistical Shape Analysis via Topological Data Analysis
24 Jul 2021 CPD131 - Convex Optimization for Statistical and Machine Learning with CVXR
22 Jul 2021 Early Career Biostatistician’s Day of the 42nd Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics
21 Jul 2021 South Australian Branch Meeting Presentation
19 Jul 2021 IWSM 2021: 35th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling
11 Jul 2021 63rd ISI World Statistics Congress 2021 - Statistics and Data Science for a Better World
8 Jul 2021 CPD136 - Workshop: Introduction to Julia for Statistics and Data Science.
6 Jul 2021 ANZSC Foreman Lecture & Conference Dinner – SSA Vic
6 Jul 2021 QLD Branch Meeting: Foreman Lecture stream
5 Jul 2021 SSA-Event: ANZSC2021- Modelling Data for a Brighter Future
5 Jul 2021 Computational and Applied Statistics at ICCSA 2021
5 Jul 2021 ANZSC2021 Face-to-face Hub – SSA Vic
5 Jul 2021 The Centre for Data Science at QUT is hosting a Datathon!
2 Jul 2021 Melbourne Centre for Data Science- Seminar Series 2021: A Seat at the Table: The Key Role of Biostatistics and Data Science in the COVID-19 Pandemic
30 Jun 2021 CPD138- ECSSC Science Communication Series: Presenting Virtually
28 Jun 2021 2021 World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis
28 Jun 2021 ACSPRI's Winter 2021 Online Program
27 Jun 2021 41st International Symposium on Forecasting
23 Jun 2021 Early Career* Bayes Seminar Series: Bayesian hierarchical stacking—All models are wrong, but some are somewhere useful
18 Jun 2021 Webinar: A Desingularized Mean Field Approximation
16 Jun 2021 CPD134- ECSSC Science Communication Series: Honing Your Pitch
15 Jun 2021 SA Monthly Branch Meeting Seminar
15 Jun 2021 StatChat
9 Jun 2021 Queensland branch meeting: jamovi - statistical software for the masses
9 Jun 2021 Virtual public lecture: (Mis)(Dis)information, online social networks, and mathematics
8 Jun 2021 SSA WA June Meeting - Reflections upon five years of collaborating with WA's offshore energy industry - Dr Edward Cripps
1 Jun 2021 Using R for Bayesian Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Health Modeling
27 May 2021 EC Bayes Seminar Series: Andrea Bertazzi (Delft)
26 May 2021 SSA NSW May Meeting by Dr. Reidar Lystad
26 May 2021 CPD133 - ECSSC Science Communication Series: Visualising Your Data
26 May 2021 Virtual Lecture: Playing God with Virtual Hearts
25 May 2021 SSA Canberra + ABS: On the use of timely economic indicators
18 May 2021 Shutdowns and Slow-Downs: Detecting Anomalies in Granular Internet Activity Data, at Global Scale
18 May 2021 Attention Hobart and Tasmanian stats society members!
17 May 2021 Introductory Statistics for Researchers using SPSS
14 May 2021 Online Seminar: Estimating volume from point-referenced thickness measurements
12 May 2021 SSA Vic: Trivia!
12 May 2021 "The Road Ahead for Women in STEM" - virtual panel discussion for International Women in Mathematics Day
11 May 2021 WA Branch Meeting - Focus on Early Career and Student Statisticians
10 May 2021 Introductory Statistics for Researchers
6 May 2021 Introduction to R
5 May 2021 CPD132 - ECSSC Science Communication Series: Science Communication
5 May 2021 'Inclusion-Exclusion' in the Mathematical Sciences. ACEMS Virtual Public Lecture with Dr Eugenia Cheng
28 Apr 2021 Queensland branch AGM and talk
27 Apr 2021 April Meeting: SSA NSW & R-Ladies Sydney Joint Event by Dr Gordana Popovic
27 Apr 2021 Introduction to R
20 Apr 2021 The Rise and Rise of Data Science Centres and Institutes
15 Apr 2021 CPD130 SSA Canberra Workshop: Data visualisation with R
13 Apr 2021 WA Branch Meeting - Prof Luke Prendergast - Meta-analysis: common traps and misconceptions
12 Apr 2021 ABC in Svalbard
1 Apr 2021 The Mathematics of Knots
1 Apr 2021 Webinar: Parallel Tempering on Optimized Paths
30 Mar 2021 SSA Canberra: An ongoing journey into spatial confounding
25 Mar 2021 SSA webinar: Predicting Benefit of Aggressive Treatment for Localized Kidney Cancer Patients Using Modified Principal Stratification with Latent Survival Classes
24 Mar 2021 SA Branch AGM+Presentation
24 Mar 2021 NSW Branch: AGM + Lancaster Lecture
18 Mar 2021 Learn How to Publish Your Manuscript Successfully with Wiley
17 Mar 2021 RSS Merseyside Local Group & UK Data Service: Starting a Career in Data - Panel
16 Mar 2021 The statistical quandaries of an ecologist
16 Mar 2021 SSA Vic AGM
9 Mar 2021 Annual General Meeting of the WA Branch of the Statistical Society of Australia
5 Mar 2021 Data Science in the News: The Data Science of Covid-19 Vaccination
2 Mar 2021 Joint SSA Canberra + RLadies Canberra Branch Meeting
1 Mar 2021 Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (IMSI) workshop to focus on how math and statistics can address climate change
24 Feb 2021 SA Branch meet & greet
22 Feb 2021 ViCBiostat Summer School 2021 (Week 2): Modern concepts in clinical trials
17 Feb 2021 Introducing the SSA Mentoring Program
17 Feb 2021 Spatial and Temporal Statistics Symposium
15 Feb 2021 ViCBiostat Summer School 2021 (Week 1): Multiple Imputation
2 Feb 2021 CPD128- Develop your online profile, course by "Science in Public"
2 Feb 2021 Sample Size and Power Calculations
28 Jan 2021 Deriving Insights from New Data Sources
28 Jan 2021 StatChat
11 Jan 2021 AMSI Summer School in the Mathematical Sciences
8 Dec 2020 SSA NSW Branch: 21st J.B. Douglas Awards + 2020 Annual Lecture by Prof Gillian Heller
7 Dec 2020 CPD123 - Statistical Consulting Network 2020 Meeting
4 Dec 2020 SSA T-Shirt Design Competition
2 Dec 2020 7th Biennial ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference 2020
1 Dec 2020 CPD126 - Workshop: Data wrangling with R
30 Nov 2020 AMSI BioInfoSummer 2020 – bioinformatics symposium
27 Nov 2020 The Advent of "Grammar": Bridging Statistics and Data Science for the Design of Experiments
26 Nov 2020 SA Branch webinar: Investigating the spread and divergence of genetic variations within the SARS-CoV-2 genome
26 Nov 2020 Communication Training - SSA internal training
25 Nov 2020 NSW Nov Branch Meeting by Dr Stephen Woodcock, Just not cricket: How did sports science get stuck in the statistical outfield?
24 Nov 2020 SSA Canberra Knibbs Lecture: A personal tour with Prof Raymond Carroll
20 Nov 2020 Commonly Used Biostatistical Methods for Analysing Longitudinal Data in Health Research
19 Nov 2020 SSA NSW Early Career and Student Statistician Event 2020
18 Nov 2020 The University of Wollongong's 2020 Statistical Science Lecturer: Sally Cripps
17 Nov 2020 Should statisticians all work from home even after lockdown?
17 Nov 2020 SSA Vic Special General Meeting
11 Nov 2020 Computing Bayes: Bayesian Computation from 1763 to the 21st Century
11 Nov 2020 CPD121 - Workshop: Data visualisation with R
10 Nov 2020 WA Branch Meeting - Prof Ryan Loxton - Optimisation in Practice
5 Nov 2020 On the importance to society of high quality public statistics
4 Nov 2020 IASS Webinar 3: "Survey and Big Data Interactions (during the COVID emergency)"
30 Oct 2020 Environmental Stats October seminar – Erin Schliep (University of Missouri)
28 Oct 2020 SA Branch webinar: Instrumental variables: a review of the rationale for their use, assumptions and validation methods with application to estimating the impact of health spending on health outcomes
27 Oct 2020 SSA Canberra Branch Meeting: Dennis Trewin prize 2020
21 Oct 2020 NSW 2020 Lancaster Lecture: Count on someone who can count! by Dr. Thomas Fung
20 Oct 2020 Belz Lecture social event: Simon Pampena in The Probability Drive
20 Oct 2020 Trust in Official Statistics (Belz Lecture/World Statistics Day)
20 Oct 2020 Queensland branch meeting on World Statistics Day
20 Oct 2020 Now at 3pm: Queensland branch meeting on World Statistics Day
14 Oct 2020 Webinar: Inferring genetic relatedness to identify disease-causing variants and selection signals
13 Oct 2020 WA Branch Meeting - Prof Sally Cripps - Models and Uncertainty in the time of COVID-19
8 Oct 2020 Introduction To Multiple Linear And Multiple Logistic Regression In Health Research Using Sas And R
7 Oct 2020 Social event: Slide slam, SSA-style!
6 Oct 2020 SSA webinar: It’s Alive! Frankenstein for President
30 Sep 2020 NSW September Meeting: Monte Carlo Secrets Revealed - A (Zoom) Arena Spectacular by Dr Robert Salomone
30 Sep 2020 WA Young Statisticians Workshop 2020
30 Sep 2020 CPD120: Online workshop - Semiparametric regression with R
29 Sep 2020 SSA Canberra + ABS Meeting: Foreman Lecture
28 Sep 2020 Mathematics without Borders
25 Sep 2020 Webinar: Random Effects Inference in Linear Mixed Models: The good, the bad, and the misspecified
22 Sep 2020 Early Career Industry Showcase
21 Sep 2020 SSA webinar: Advances in Data Linking Methodology at the ABS
10 Sep 2020 SSA Webinar: An application of network meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of electronic cigarette on smoking cessation
10 Sep 2020 CPD122 -SSA Online Workshop: Version control using Git and RStudio
8 Sep 2020 WA Branch Meeting (Zoom registrations) - Prof David Steel
8 Sep 2020 WA Branch Meeting - Prof David Steel - What could we expect from randomly selected samples for estimating the prevalence of COVID-19?
8 Sep 2020 External event: Text Analytics in Python (Advanced)
7 Sep 2020 RSS 2020 Online Conference
3 Sep 2020 SA Branch webinar: Propensity score techniques in multiple treatment framework: the estimation of neighbourhood effect
2 Sep 2020 External event: Analytics and Bikes: Riding Tandem with Motivate to Improve Mobility
1 Sep 2020 Partners in Prevention: Understanding and Enhancing First Responses to Suicide Crisis Situations
1 Sep 2020 External event: Introduction to Python for Data Science
31 Aug 2020 External event: Introduction to Regression Modelling in R
27 Aug 2020 Improving Prediction in Human Behavior Using Behavior Modifications
26 Aug 2020 SSA NSW August Virtual Event: How Statistics is used to help creating a better justice system – a case study
25 Aug 2020 Statistical consulting in the 21st century
24 Aug 2020 External event: Introductory Statistics for Researchers
24 Aug 2020 Data and Analytics Leaders Exchange 2020
20 Aug 2020 ACEMS' National Science Week Virtual Quiz
19 Aug 2020 SA Branch webinar - A LEGENDARY way to do observational data analysis at scale!
19 Aug 2020 External event: Introduction to R
17 Aug 2020 Webinar: Can multiple disparate data sources complement each other? The case of researching economic disadvantage in Australia.
14 Aug 2020 SA Branch Young Statisticians Career Event
11 Aug 2020 WA joint seminar with IBS - Dr Smaila Sanni
11 Aug 2020 External event: Introduction to R
6 Aug 2020 P-Values and "Statistical Significance": Deconstructing the Arguments
4 Aug 2020 SSA and ASPAI AGMs
31 Jul 2020 Talking to stakeholders: Statistics in the outside world
28 Jul 2020 Sharpening the BLADE - Missing Data Imputation using Supervised Machine Learning
28 Jul 2020 Workshop: Data visualisation with R
24 Jul 2020 SSA Webinar: Writing successful fellowships
24 Jul 2020 Workshop: Introduction to Julia for Statistics and Data Science
21 Jul 2020 'The Eye of the Beholder' : Regression Coefficients & Mechanical Objectivity in Public Health Research
20 Jul 2020 Workshop: Machine learning with Python
19 Jul 2020 The 35th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM2020)
15 Jul 2020 SA Branch webinar - Dr Natalie Twine
10 Jul 2020 Games Night - Plan your escape from our virtual Escape Room
10 Jul 2020 Virtual Poster Pitch
9 Jul 2020 SSA+NZSA virtual mini-conference
1 Jul 2020 Workshop of the 20th International Conference on Computational Science and Applications
30 Jun 2020 Beyond Beamer: Joint SSA Canberra/NSW + RLadies Meeting
26 Jun 2020 SSA Course: P-values and the normal assumption in scientific research.
23 Jun 2020 SSA Vic Mentoring Evening
22 Jun 2020 7th International Statistical Ecology Conference- external event
19 Jun 2020 Webinar: Getting to know our “cell mates”: A practical approach to microbiome analysis through a biostatistician’s lens.
17 Jun 2020 SA Branch webinar - Dr Oscar Perez-Concha
16 Jun 2020 Queensland branch meeting: Leveraging statistical shapes in genomics, looking beyond what’s Normal
10 Jun 2020 Webinar: Inquiry into the performance of the opinion polls at the 2019 Australian Federal Election – Update of progress made by the enquiry
9 Jun 2020 WA branch seminar - Dr Brenton R Clarke
5 Jun 2020 Seminar: Inferring genetic linkage maps from high-throughput sequencing data
2 Jun 2020 Queensland Branch meeting: "MIGHTY MAPS: Showcasing estimate uncertainty"
28 May 2020 Virtual Coffee - Member Catch Up and Discussion
27 May 2020 Webinar: A short overview into “how to make a learning healthcare system work”: from linking data, machine learning to ethics
27 May 2020 Queensland Branch Meeting: Searching for dark matter and new physics with GAMBIT
26 May 2020 Raising Heretics: Teaching effective scepticism using data science
21 May 2020 Data Collection in a time of multiple crises: The social research response to COVID-19, bushfires, and drought
19 May 2020 Trivia Night via Zoom, hosted by SSA Victoria
19 May 2020 Short Course: Study Design
12 May 2020 WA Young Statisticians Meeting
12 May 2020 Short Course: Introductory Statistics for Researchers
8 May 2020 SSA seminar: Jim Thorson (NOAA), Forecasting nonlocal climate impacts for mobile marine species using extensions to empirical orthogonal function analysis
4 May 2020 Short Course: Introduction to R
30 Apr 2020 Virtual Coffee - Member Catch Up and Discussion
28 Apr 2020 Vic Branch – COVID-19: modelling and public health policy
22 Apr 2020 SA Branch Meeting - Dr Murthy Mittinty
16 Apr 2020 Webinar: Learning about Covid-19 Known Unknowns: the essential role of statisticians
14 Apr 2020 WA Branch Meeting - Assoc/Prof Rachel Cardell-Oliver
31 Mar 2020 Vic Branch – Measuring Well-being
31 Mar 2020 SSA Vic AGM
26 Mar 2020 NSW Branch: AGM + Lancaster Lecture
25 Mar 2020 SA Branch Annual General Meeting
20 Mar 2020 SSA Webinar: Tales of an Applied Statistician
10 Mar 2020 WA Branch AGM and Meeting - Mark S. Handcock
5 Mar 2020 Bayesian Adaptive Randomised Clinical Trials Workshop
3 Mar 2020 Queensland Branch AGM 2020
27 Feb 2020 Bayesian Adaptive Randomised Clinical Trials Workshop
21 Feb 2020 Webinar: Statistical Machine Learning for Spatio-Temporal Forecasting
19 Feb 2020 SA Branch Meeting - Prof Omer Ozturk
7 Feb 2020 SSA Webinar: Do we die of only one cause?
11 Dec 2019 rOpenSci OzUnconf 2019 - external event
10 Dec 2019 Vic Branch – We all count: Strengthening stats and maths through diversity
9 Dec 2019 UQ Institute for Social Science Research: Longitudinal Data Analysis Course
6 Dec 2019 E. A. Cornish Memorial Lecture - SA Branch Meeting
6 Dec 2019 South Australia Biostatistics Networking
6 Dec 2019 SA Cornish Lecture
4 Dec 2019 UNSW Biostatistics Seminar
4 Dec 2019 Bayesian adaptive trials workshop - external event
3 Dec 2019 Webinar: Communicating risk and uncertainty with Sir David Spiegelhalter
3 Dec 2019 Queensland branch Xmas event
3 Dec 2019 Introduction to Python for Data Science - external event
3 Dec 2019 Biometrics by the Botanic Gardens 2019 - external event
2 Dec 2019 17th Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM’19) - external event
1 Dec 2019 Workshops at Biometrics by the Botanic Gardens 2019 - external event
29 Nov 2019 Data Science and Social Good Symposium - external event
28 Nov 2019 WOMBAT 2019
26 Nov 2019 WA Branch: End of year dinner
26 Nov 2019 Sample Size and Power Calculations - external event
26 Nov 2019 UQ Institute for Social Science Research: Social Cost-Benefit Analysis Course - external event
25 Nov 2019 CPD95 - Bayes on the Beach 2019
21 Nov 2019 Workshop: Pragmatic randomised trial designs for evaluating health policy and practice change interventions - external event
19 Nov 2019 CPD108 - R skills workshops: Building R packages and R Markdown
19 Nov 2019 UQ Institute for Social Science Research: Gathering Qualitative Data Course - external event
19 Nov 2019 Bayesian Logistic Regression in Practice, using R or Autostat - External Event
18 Nov 2019 Webinar: Modelling Molecule Dropout in single cell RNA-seq Experiment Leads to Improved Identification of Marker Genes
18 Nov 2019 CPD107 - Machine Learning with Python
13 Nov 2019 NSW Branch: Annual Dinner
13 Nov 2019 NSW Branch: Annual Lecture by Prof Ian Marschner
13 Nov 2019 NSW Branch: J. B. Douglas Awards
13 Nov 2019 UQ Institute for Social Science Research: Essential Social Analysis Skills Course - external event
13 Nov 2019 NSW Branch: J.B. Douglas Awards Sponsorship
12 Nov 2019 WA Branch meeting: Prof Cathryn Lewis – Hansford-Miller Fellow 2019
12 Nov 2019 Time Series & Forecasting Symposium (TSF2019), Sydney - external event
8 Nov 2019 UQ Institute for Social Science Research: Program Evaluation Course
7 Nov 2019 Statistical Design and Analysis in Data Science - external event
7 Nov 2019 Statistical Design and Analysis in Data Science - external event
5 Nov 2019 WA Branch Young Statisticians: Meet up with Professor Cathryn Lewis (2019 Frank Hansford-Miller Fellow)
5 Nov 2019 Queensland Branch meeting - November
4 Nov 2019 CPD97- Network meta-analysis and population adjustment for decision-making - CPD97
31 Oct 2019 Vic Branch – Belz Dinner
31 Oct 2019 Vic Branch – Statistics is the Crown Jewel of Data Science (Belz Lecture)
28 Oct 2019 Webinar: An introduction to business analytics beyond statistical analysis
23 Oct 2019 SA Branch Meeting: Dr David Baird VSN NZ Ltd
21 Oct 2019 NSW Branch: October Event by Prof Elizabeth Stuart
21 Oct 2019 B&B Networking Event
21 Oct 2019 CPD105 - Propensity score methods for estimating causal effects in non-experimental studies: The why, what, and how
9 Oct 2019 SSA NSW Young Statisticians & Data Scientist Careers Networking
8 Oct 2019 WA Branch: Displaying Uncertainty and Risk - Dr John Henstridge
3 Oct 2019 Randomization, Bootstrap and Monte Carlo Methods in Biology - external event
1 Oct 2019 SSA-Event: YSC2019 Dinner - Kingston Hotel
1 Oct 2019 Queensland branch meeting: Automated Technologies for Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis
1 Oct 2019 SSA-Event: Young Statisticians Conference 2019
30 Sep 2019 CPD102 - SSA Canberra/YSC Event: Pre-Conference Trivia Night!
30 Sep 2019 CPD101- Mediation Analysis Using Potential Outcome Framework
30 Sep 2019 CPD103 - Maximising the use of Australian Bureau of Statistics Data Products and Analysis Tools
30 Sep 2019 CPD98- Communicating with R Markdown
26 Sep 2019 SA Branch Meeting: Peter Kasprzak
24 Sep 2019 NSW Branch: A notion of depth for curve data by Dr Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux
24 Sep 2019 Vic Branch – Young Statisticians Showcase 2019
23 Sep 2019 CPD106- Advanced R skills: Introduction to Shiny and Building R Packages
17 Sep 2019 SSA Webinar with Noel Cressie: Inference for Spatio-Temporal Changes of Arctic Sea Ice.
10 Sep 2019 WA Branch Meeting - Matt Schneider
5 Sep 2019 Applied Statistics and Policy Analysis Conference, 2019 - external event
3 Sep 2019 Queensland Branch meeting: Shiny showcase
28 Aug 2019 SA Branch Meeting - Dr Kathy Haskard
27 Aug 2019 Vic Branch – Detecting botnet activity using machine learning
20 Aug 2019 Talk on the QUT Digital Observatory
19 Aug 2019 Oceania Stata Conference - external event
18 Aug 2019 ISI 2019 – 62nd ISI World Statistics Congress - external event
13 Aug 2019 WA Branch Meeting - Joint IBS and SSA - Suman Rakshit
7 Aug 2019 SA Young Statisticians' Career Event
7 Aug 2019 2019 International Conference and Workshops on Survey Research Methodology - external event
6 Aug 2019 NSW Branch: Gender and Cultural Bias In Student Evaluations of Teaching at Universities by A/Prof Yanan Fan
24 Jul 2019 SA Branch Meeting - Dr Murthy N Mittinty
24 Jul 2019 The Research School on Statistics and Data Science 2019 (RSSDS2019) - external event
18 Jul 2019 Vic Branch - Tutorial on sequential Monte Carlo methods in statistics
18 Jul 2019 Minitab Insights Event Australia - external event
17 Jul 2019 Statistical Tools for the Pharmaceutical Industry - external event
9 Jul 2019 (Cancelled) WA Branch Meeting
9 Jul 2019 SSA-QLD Career Seminar: Lead With Statistics
7 Jul 2019 34th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM2019) - external event
4 Jul 2019 Gaining skills in biostatistical consultancy- CPD94
3 Jul 2019 R skills workshops: R Markdown and Building R packages
2 Jul 2019 Tutorial on Sequential Monte Carlo methods in Statistics
1 Jul 2019 Computational and Applied Statistics (CAS 2019) - external event
30 Jun 2019 42nd Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA) Conference 2019 - external event
28 Jun 2019 Semiparametric regression with R - CPD99
26 Jun 2019 SA Meetup event: What went wrong with the polls? Do statisticians have a role to play?
25 Jun 2019 Vic Branch - Mentoring Breakfast
19 Jun 2019 Systematic reviews & meta-analysis of prognosis studies
11 Jun 2019 WA Branch Meeting - Dr Adriano Polpo - Hypothesis Tests: Using Adaptive Significance Levels for Decisions
11 Jun 2019 Data science helping to create a better justice system - an ACEMS Public Lecture at UTS
29 May 2019 SA Branch Meeting - Dr Beben Benyamin & Dr Ang Zhou
28 May 2019 Vic Branch – A recipe for quantifying the impact of prevention
28 May 2019 ICORS-LACSC 2019 - external event
16 May 2019 Fast algorithms and modern visualisations for feature selection - CPD96
14 May 2019 WA Branch Meeting - Young Statisticians Meeting
7 May 2019 QLD branch - Multimorbidity: Measurement for Health related Quality of Life and Health service use
7 May 2019 Chief Data & Analytics Officer Exchange - external event
4 May 2019 Data Day- Melbourne - external event
2 May 2019 Data Day- Sydney - external event
30 Apr 2019 Vic Branch – Reproducibility and Open Science
29 Apr 2019 Spatio-Temporal Statistics with R
17 Apr 2019 SA Branch Meeting - Professor Michael Sorich
9 Apr 2019 WA Branch Meeting - Prof Inge Koch
19 Mar 2019 Vic Branch – AGM + Statistics with industry: demonstrating impact
11 Dec 2018 Queensland Xmas Party
26 Sep 2018 Young Statisticians’ Workshop 2018
25 Sep 2018 Urban Modelling and Understanding with Machine Learning
11 Sep 2018 Young Statistician Careers Seminar
5 Sep 2018 Workshop: Semiparametric Regression with R with Matt Wand
28 Aug 2018 SSA Biostatistics Networking Event
26 Aug 2018 International Society for Clinical Biostatistics and Australian Statistical Conference 2018

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