SSA ACT Branch - Dennis Trewin prize
The Dennis Trewin Prize, named after the former Australian Statistician Dennis Trewin AO (picture below), is awarded annually by the SSA ACT Branch for outstanding research in statistics or data science conducted within the ACT or regional NSW (excluding Sydney-Newcastle-Wollongong). Every year, a call out is made to applicants who are are invited to submit an abstract on their research project. If shortlisted, finalist are then invited to give at 20-25 min version of their talk either in-person on line at the ACT branch October meeting, in front of a live audience and a selection panel including Dennis himself. A monetary prize is awarded to the winner, while all shortlisted candidates received a one year complimentary student/transition membership to the SSA. If you wish to know more about the prize, please contact ssacanberra 'at' gmail.com for more information. If you wish to participate in the prize, then please keep an eye out for notifications when the next round opens (if you are current SSA ACT member), or contact ssacanberra 'at' gmail.com to find out more! Previous Dennis Trewin prize winners (and some pics of previous finalists!)
Left picture: 2018 winner Jiali Wang (left) with Dennis Trewin (right) Right picture: 2024 finalists (from left to right) Houren Hong; Elle Saber; Owen Forbes |