South Australia
The South Australian Branch of the Statistical Society holds regular monthly meetings throughout the year, usually on Wednesday evenings. At each meeting an invited local or visiting professional presents a one-hour seminar on a statistical topic. Presentations are from 6pm to 7pm, with refreshments provided prior to the talk from 5:30pm. Meetings are also broadcast by Zoom. Visitors are most welcome. After the seminar, we invite all attendees to adjourn with the speaker to a nearby restaurant for dinner and drinks. Annually the Branch organises an evening aimed at early career statisticians and people studying statistics. Representatives from a range of organisations employing statisticians in South Australia provide short presentations describing the role and the typical workday of statisticians within their organisation. Attendees then have the opportunity to talk individually with the employer representatives to ask questions and learn more about their work and job opportunities. Biennially, the Branch meeting program features a seminar in the E.A. Cornish lecture series, a series of public lectures on statistical topics of broad interest. The lecture series is named after Alf Cornish, a leading figure in the early years of the statistical profession in Adelaide. More details about the E.A. Cornish lecture series can be found in the series page. The Rules and Regulations for the South Australian branch can be accessed here. SSA South Australian Branch Council 2024
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Contact UsContact the Branch Secretary if you would like further information about the Branch. |