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Digital water meters - customer satisfaction impact

  • 29 Oct 2019 9:03 PM
    Reply # 8081796 on 8069135
    Deleted user

    Professor Fisher, thank you for your post. I agree that NPS is a poor tool when used inappropriately. I had read your paper and others criticising NPS. As I say, I adapted it rather than apply it blindly. Hopefully I have it "under control". I look forward to sharing my research findings with you and getting your feedback. Regards. IM

  • 29 Oct 2019 8:58 PM
    Reply # 8081794 on 8069135
    Deleted user

    To the person that just completed the Survey (29Oct 8.30pm DST) and mention high daily usage. Read your meter at the start of a period when there would be no use. Then read again later before the next use. If the meter has changed readings you have a leak. A plumber can help but the first things that you can do are check all taps for drips - washers or o-rings might need changing, test the toilets for constant running - place a piece of toilet paper on the back of the pan under the cistern. If it gets wet the toilet is leaking - that could be caused by grit under the rubber washer of the plunger, or a deteriorated washer, or some other reason. Turn the stop tap off at the wall and only turn it back on (and then off again) when you need to refill the cistern. If it is not these then look at the hot water service - is it wet on the ground at the flush outlet. If you have a solar hot water system on the roof check it. Evap Coolers on the roof are a possible cause of leaks-check if constantly running. Walk around the garden for any wet spots. I did all of these things and still didn't find it so turned off the tap to the garden irrigation. That stopped the problem immediately. Got a plumber in to cut off the garden irrigation permanently and fix the tap. Your water utility should advise you of what you might do. They may also have a High Usage Leak Allowance process which may enable you to get a refund when the problem is fixed. The issue you describe was the motivation for my study. Good luck. Contact me on fb if you want - ian.monks.315

  • 22 Oct 2019 6:18 AM
    Reply # 8070080 on 8069135
    Nicholas Fisher (Administrator)
    Anonymous wrote:

    Hi. Digital water meters can help customers understand their water use, save water and money. I am studying at Griffith Uni researching customer opinions to possible benefits of digital water meters. I have a short (10-15 min) online survey asking customers, nationwide, their opinions of possible benefits.

    The survey adapts the net promoter score approach to measuring customer satisfaction. I invite members to do the survey (links below). ....

    Net Promoter Score is a very poor choice metric.  See the attached article.

    1 file
  • 21 Oct 2019 6:54 PM
    Message # 8069135
    Deleted user

    Hi. Digital water meters can help customers understand their water use, save water and money. I am studying at Griffith Uni researching customer opinions to possible benefits of digital water meters. I have a short (10-15 min) online survey asking customers, nationwide, their opinions of possible benefits.

    The survey adapts the net promoter score approach to measuring customer satisfaction. I invite members to do the survey (links below). The results will be written up as a journal paper and will be used in stochastic modelling of benefit value that water business can use to improve their business cases for a rollout of digital water meters. Comments on the method is welcome in this forum.

    You don't need a digital meter to do the survey. Please have your say ... It is anonymous, confidential and you can stop and resume later. Households use

    Businesses use

    GU Ethics Approval #2018/271

    Some background information on digital water meters Utility Magazine article (1 page, easy read): 

    PUBLISHED PAPER: MDPI Water (Literature Review)

    MACKAY REGIONAL COUNCIL/TAGGLE (case study, easy read) :

    Information on Net Promoter Score is available through academic and industry channels.
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