On behalf of SSA Canberra branch, SSA NSW branch, R-Ladies Canberra and R-Ladies Sydney, we would like to invite you to join the joint virtual event we are holding on Tue, 30th June 2020. It will be an online talk given by Dr. Emi Tanaka on "Beyond Beamer: Modern and Dynamic Presentations with R Markdown".
Please note for security reasons, you will need to register in advance for this meeting: https://anu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYqcu6pqj0vG9I4fvMeFOo0OuA0URBAsSdY. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Any questions, please feel free to contact: secretary.nswbranch@statsoc.org.au or ssacanberra@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 30th June 2020
From 6pm. Presentation on Zoom
Beyond Beamer: Modern and Dynamic Presentations with R Markdown
Emi Tanaka, Monash University
In many fields, scientific communications and publications are unimaginable without LaTeX. LaTeX, built on the TeX typesetting program, allows writing scientific documents with a markup language for structure and styling; capabilities for mathematical typesetting; ability to add cross-references and citations (though BibTeX or
otherwise); and customisation through document classes, packages and macros. A particular LaTeX document class widely used for making presentation slides is Beamer. Beamer offers much of the same features as the original LaTeX in addition to special macros handy for presentation purposes and is used often by academics presenting mathematical content. Why then would we want another tool for presentation?
In this tutorial talk, I will talk about the capabilities and benefits of using R Markdown to make presentation slides based on the `xaringan` R-package. If you have two monitors or an extra laptop/desktop computer, then you are encouraged to try some coding yourself as you follow along with the talk.
Coding requirements: you will need to be familiar with R, have R and the xaringan & tidyverse R packages installed. It is preferable that you use RStudio IDE although not required.
Emi is an applied statistician whose primary interest is to develop impactful methods and tools that can be readily used by practitioners. Her research interests include mixed models and experimental designs, motivated primarily by the problems in bioinformatics and agricultural sciences. She recently joined as a lecturer at the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University. She is currently the Vice President of the Statistical Society of Australia Victoria Branch.