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Workshop - Introduction to Longitudinal Data Analysis - May 8-9

  • 10 Mar 2023 12:42 PM
    Message # 13126214
    Deleted user

    Cost $550AUD
    For more information see

    Longitudinal data is created when we take a number of measurements on each person (or other entity) at different points in time. To take these repeated measurements into account then methods like Mixed Effects Models and Generalized Estimating Equations are necessary.

    In this workshop we will cover:
    * The differences between independent, clustered, and longitudinal data
    * A review of linear regression and Analysis of Variance
    * Tukey tests (for identifying which groups are different)
    * Levene’s test (for assessing whether the variance differs between groups)
    * The Non-parametric equivalent forms for Analysis of Variance
    * Mixed Effects models (fixed effects for the population means, and random effects for the variation between groups)
    * Hierarchical and multi-level models
    * Viewing longitudinal data as a form of multivariate data
    * Different expressions for the correlation matrix for multivariate data
    * Generalised Estimating Equations
    * Likelihood ratio test (for comparing different correlation structures)
    * The problem with missing data in longitudinal studies
    * Data Missing Completely At Random, Missing At Random, and Missing Not At Random
    * Multiple Imputation
    * Monotone and intermittent missingness

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