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The Philosophy of Data

  • 6 Aug 2020 2:13 PM
    Message # 9147636
    Marie-Louise Rankin (Administrator)

    The SSA is supporting a video series called “The Philosophy of Data Science”. The series is aimed at early career statisticians and data scientists, to provide in-depth understanding of how scientific reasoning is essential to good practical data science.

    Each episode will be a high-quality interview featuring top speakers in our field. It will provide a great learning resource for university students.

    To help get the word out, it would be great if those of you affiliated with a university could join the series’ mailing list and forward to your students/colleagues the emails announcing new episodes. (The emails aren’t spammy and are posted on other professional forums as well.)

    The series website is here. To sign up, click here

    The emails will come from so please add that address to your contact list.

    Thank you for your help! This seems like a great and easy way to help our students stay engaged in the statistical profession.

    Marie-Louise Rankin
    SSA Executive Officer

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