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Uni Newcastle Master of Medical Statistics vs BCA biostatistics

  • 26 Jul 2019 5:39 PM
    Reply # 7797755 on 7785637

    Just on the accredited courses; the BCA program is accredited by the SSA, but the Newcastle Medical Stats one isn't.

    (However there are two Uni of Newcastle Stats Majors which are)

    And just to make things more complicated, older Newcastle Students who did Medical Stats when it was part of the BCA consortium would have the Graduate Statistician qualification.

  • 26 Jul 2019 9:26 AM
    Reply # 7797433 on 7785637

    One major different is that the Newcastle course is the equivalent of 1 year full time whereas the BCA course is 1.5 years full time, although both are only offered in part time mode. For example, Newcastle's course does not include a project. In fact Newcastle's course is very similar to what would be obtained by doing a Graduate Diploma in the BCA, so they must have a different interpretation of the AQF. 

    I'm very surprised that Newcastle can offer a postgraduate course at only slightly more than $2 per subject, so I would check that. The website doesn't tell you anything.

    My conflict of interest statement is that I teach a course in the BCA.

  • 25 Jul 2019 10:36 PM
    Reply # 7796578 on 7785637

    Hi there, 

    FWIW - I've studied within the BCA course - then the Newcastle course, then back to the BCA course as part of the NSW Health BTP (as linked by Kevin).  I'm happy to provide my take on your queries if you send me a message. 

    I am curious though as to how you determined those costings - a Masters cost substantially more than $17,000 when I was studying at UoN.


  • 19 Jul 2019 7:01 AM
    Reply # 7786486 on 7785637

    I can't comment on the difference between the Newcastle v BCA programs, but if you are interested in getting into biostatistics, the NSW Health Biostatistics Training Program (BTP) is also an option you may like to consider.  Part of the BTP involves a MBiostats through USyd (via the BCA program). 

  • 19 Jul 2019 12:12 AM
    Message # 7785637

    Hello everyone!

    Wondering what the difference between this newcastle masters vs BCA masters (at any of the accredited unis)

    But more importantly this costs 17k ( as opposed to BCA costs 37k)

    And also states " You can also apply for accreditation by the Statistical Society of Australia as a Graduate Statistician (GStat)."

    I did match each course with an = (the Newcastle course comes first then the USYD course second)

    Mathematics of applied statistics= Maths background for biostatstics
    Data Wrangling and Visualisation=data management and statistical computing
    Foundation of probability theory= prob distribution and theory,
    Clinical trial design=design of randomised controlled trials
    Statistical inference=principles of SI
    Linear regression modelling=Linear models
    Categorical data analysis and generalised linear models=categorical data analysis and gen. linear models
    Applied Survival Analysis and Lifetime Data Analysis=Survival analysis
    Applied Longitudinal Analysis

    By doing this only these subjects were not avail for Newcastle: biostatiscs research project, clinical biostatistics, epidemiology for
    biostatsicans, health indicators and health surveys, introductory analysis of linked data, longitudinal and correlated data.

    In essence would like to know what ppls thoughts are doing the Newcastle Masters-

    1) is it as well known, and also accredited by the SSA/same job prospects? 

    2)Furthermore are the missing subjects quite important to become a biostatstican?  My thoughts would be the final project would be useful to get referees for jobs in the future? 

    3)Would it be an option to do this course then transfer to one of the BCA universities to say do the biostatistics research project


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