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Designing the new ABS Website - Assistance Needed

  • 30 May 2019 5:17 PM
    Message # 7498237
    Marie-Louise Rankin (Administrator)

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics recently contacted the Statistical Society because their website is changing in June 2020 and in the lead-up they are looking for people to test the various design proposals. Who could be more perfect for this than this statistical community?

    This is what the ABS wrote:

    “Whom we need:

    We are looking for anyone who has an interest in ABS data and information. You might be a regular visitor to the ABS website or someone who just needs to access it once in a while. We are trying to reach out to a diverse range of users to participate in one-on-one testing sessions.

    What's involved?

    • Take part in an informal session where you will interact with digital concepts and help us understand if they are easy to use.

    • Sessions will run for 45 to 60 minutes and take place in your office environment or an ABS office.

    • No preparation work is required.

    Session dates

    Testing will take place over the next 12 months. People who are interested in participating will be added to our contact list and may be contacted for future rounds of testing from June 2019.

    Whom do I contact?

    Email with participant’s:

    • Name

    • Contact details (email address and/or contact number)

    • Location

    • Occupation


    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact Bridgit Ooi on (02) 6252 5106."

    Thank you for your consideration!

    Kind regards

    Marie-Louise Rankin

    SSA Executive Officer

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