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David Joseph Balding FAA

  • 27 May 2019 10:35 PM
    Message # 7453960

       David Joseph Balding FAA

       In an excellent day for our field, 1 of the 22
    new Australian Academy of Science fellows announced


    have been elected in recognition of his research
    in Statistics are related areas.

       David Balding was born and raised in Kiama, New South Wales.
    He earnt a bachelor degree from the University of Newcastle, Australia,
    and a doctoral degree from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
    He is currently Professor of Statistical Genomics and Director
    of Melbourne Integrative Genomics at the University of Melbourne.
       Professor Balding has made wide-ranging applications of statistics
    to the biological sciences. He is co-developer of the Balding-Nichols
    match probability formulae that allow for population genetic effects in
    the evaluation of DNA profile evidence, and author of the likeLTD software
    for profiles obtained from low DNA template and/or degraded samples. He is
    co-proposer of the Balding-Nichols model for simulation of genetic data from
    structured populations and for likelihood-based inferences from structured
    population data. He is a pioneer of computational methods for inferring
    demographic history and detecting the effects of selection, and has made
    important contributions to methods for genetic association analyses.

       Congratulations to David.

      Matt Wand, PhD FAA,  Distinguished Professor of Statistics        
      School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences,                                  
      University of Technology Sydney,   e-mail:    
      P.O. Box 123,                      web-sites:
      Broadway, NSW 2007,                 
                                         phone: +61 2 9514 2240 
                                         skype: matt.wand    

      Chief investigator, Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence
                          for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers

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