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Data Science curriculum frameworks for schools

  • 3 May 2019 2:47 PM
    Message # 7317792

    From: Chris Wild <>

    From: <> On Behalf Of Contact Address IDSSP
    Sent: Friday, 3 May 2019 2:10 AM
    Subject: Data Science curriculum frameworks for schools. INVITATION TO COMMENT on draft, BY 31 MAY 2019

    The International Data Science for Schools Project (IDSSP) is an international collaborative activity to develop a curriculum framework for pre-calculus introductory course in Data Science for the last two years of high school, and to develop a parallel framework to teach teachers how to teach such a course.  See for details of the project, including the people and organizations involved.

    We are now inviting public comment on the draft frameworks.  You are receiving this message either because you have asked to be kept informed, or because we would be grateful if you would distribute this invitation to relevant people and networks.

    You can download the draft material here 

    You can provide feedback here.

    Thank you in advance for your support.  The final version of the project materials will be made available freely, in August or September 2019.

    Nicholas Fisher

    Coordinator, IDSSP Curriculum Team


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