Hi Ben and all
Sorry for not having checked this for a while, feeling somewhat self-conscious after my small rant
I will say no more at the moment about how I feel about the issue
Maybe all have different experiences of the issue - culturally and generationally
I will say one more thing. I have started taking the Spanish approach of regarding padre as genderless. I could possibly accept a genderless version of oppressive patriarchy. I contradicted my statement about not saying anymore so here goes. Who in our lives defines how we are expected to be as gender or anything. How about a world when one subgroup of something tries to encourage another group to be different then punished them or rejects them if they do change. Seriously. No wonder "men"'s psychology has been messed up. "We all want men to behave like this". "No we don't" :) Look at culture, every part of it and what defines everything
Which is why I tried (from a position of not being trained in it) to have a go at aspects of radicalism and Marxist perspectives for starters. Manipulative and extreme. Needs to have conflict allegedly to progress. Not much evidence of progress from where I sit. I see a world where many issues are getting much worse and some interests are doing very nicely thankyou very much
Finally (sorry) many of us have been bullied and cruelly oppressed by all kinds of forces through our lives. Who or what is responsible for that is I think more complicated than men-bad women-good. And after my experience of life I am staring to unapologetically call out this stuff when I see it. My other Society/Professional Afiilation (ATM) is Psychology. I made not practice but I came close enough and was trained enough to have an ethic which cares about every individual's well being and right to be who or what they want. That's how I read the code anyway. Strangely that was what I naively thought feminism was all about too.
Sorry. Final parting shot since I am feeling brave after a nice whisky on New Year's Day. It slipped my mind. Hold this space. Related to something very serious about causes for men's heath problems (mental and physical) that have precious little to do with any alleged patriarchy. If it comes to me I will add to my comment. It involves controlling forces of some description tearing apart their lives and opportunities. Nothing to do with entitlement. Many serious psychological problems are linked with loss and control of some kind. Do I sound as if I hate radicalism that much. Many of us are radical in different things and its all part of the process of progress allegedly. But punishing the wrong people is not a good approach in any struggle. What would the Marxists say about that. I was just trained in maths and science and stuff like that. Sorry for another rant (I did not intend) but I believe it all relates to the topic of (men's) health and I feel that issues are constantly derailed by issues such as Patriarchy and other radical stuff -which apparently became so dominant in some major institutions we all have a right to be concerned - I forgot. Related rubbish is the use of over simplistic use of so-called privilege to silence voices. Don't fall for that extreme control
The remarkable thing is, given this is a statistics forum it all relates very closely to flawed use of over simplistic statistical approaches to anything
Oh look at that cis-gendered straight white male trying to raise awareness of the cruel oppressiveness he has been fighting his whole life. No it isn't "patriarchy" that was responsible. Not in the way most people use the term. It comes down to abuse of all means of control. And it is truly frightening when you see so many flawed narratives becoming the accepted wisdom so much that others are silenced. So-called progressive feminist allies are just supposed to accept injustice and abuse of human rights are we? That relates to men's health too in case you think I am off topic. Some of us have a lifetime of genuine experience of injustice due to extremism. Sorry I do not accept that level of extremism in any struggle. Sorry for having a professional and personal individual ethic of well-being. That is also used against us by the extremists. Probably have more clinical experience and ethical consideration than most in this forum. It is the clinical ethic of care of a client/patient and in my view should never be subjugated by other considerations no matter how well meaning. Isn't it the ethic most providers have to their clients
And when I talked about not feeling safe posting this stuff under my name I wasn't joking but am getting beyond caring. Time is running out. I that not ridiculous in any world where anyone feels genuinely unsafe discussing the above issues under their own name. What sort of progress was that?
regards Duncan