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Contributions sought for special issue: “Applied Biostatistics & Statistical Computing” in Applied Sciences (MDPI).

  • 27 Apr 2022 3:46 PM
    Message # 12756090
    Marie-Louise Rankin (Administrator)

    Contributions sought for special issue: “Applied Biostatistics & Statistical Computing” in Applied Sciences (MDPI).

    You are invited to contribute with some of your work, whether it is a review article or an original manuscript to this issue, following the MDPI guidelines. This might be a nice opportunity to promote advanced PhD students or postdocs by enabling first-authorships for them. So, you are welcome to share this message with your team members and network contacts.

    Author Benefits

    Open Access:  free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.

    High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), Inspec, CAPlus /SciFinder, and many other databases.

    Journal Rank: JCR - Q2 (Engineering, Multidisciplinary) / CiteScore - Q2 (General Engineering)

    Note that manuscripts are reviewed and published without delays, independent of the final deadline for submissions. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

    Deadline for manuscript submissions: 20 October 2022.

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