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NSW Statistical Calendar
The NSW Branch of the SSA maintains a publicly available calendar of statistics events in NSW as a service to the statistics community. The calendar was first created by Murray Cameron (Murray.Cameron@csiro.au). The calendar will include events in NSW as well as ‘national’ events likely to be of interest to members of the SSA NSW Branch. The community will be able to see the events by (a) going to the SSA NSW Branch website where the calendar will be displayed; (b) synchronising the NSW Statistics Calendar information with the calendar app of their devices. Organisers of regular seminars will be able to add events themselves by becoming a contributor. Please reach out to us at secretary.nswbranch@statsoc.org.au for more details. NSW Events | Join usThe Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) is the home for professionals working in statistics. A place where you belong, connect with others, advance your career and feel inspired. Our core purpose is to connect you with great people and great opportunities, so you can be successful in your current role and with your career aspirations. |
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